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Loss of Appetite or Changing Appetite?

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Day 12 here, and all is well. I've seen a variety of comments from people about diminished appetite, and I am experiencing the same. I have to think this is normal, because I have seen it mentioned numerous times. Is this what we're supposed to experience on this plan? Is this the changing relationship with food that they talk about? It's strange to me not to be looking forward to my meals. To actually be losing interest in what I'm going to eat, and not be thinking about where my next meal is coming from.

I have been cooking some really interesting and delicious things, I'm just not as gung ho as I used to be about food. Was that the addiction/blood sugar imbalance talking? Is part of this plan not just eating differently, but ultimately eating less because our appetites are under control?

I'm not complaining. It feels rather freeing not to be thinking about food all the time. I'm just wondering if this is long lasting or just a phase I have entered.

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It definitely seems to hold whenever I am keeping strictly to Whole30. I'm in the middle of my second right now. That sort of crave-y state where you mindlessly eat snacks or think about your next meal a lot or sit around buying shoes online that you don't need? It seems to start fading out right about day 6-8 for me.

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That sort of crave-y state where you mindlessly eat snacks or think about your next meal a lot or sit around buying shoes online that you don't need?

:D Love it...Wish I had some money to buy some new shoes or clothes right now! I can't wait to get that summer curriculum work check!

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