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Starting Over

Natalie A

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I was exactly one week into my Whole30 and feeling FANTASTIC and then.... I went out to eat with my family at an Ethiopian Restaurant.  I felt confident in my ability to stick to my guns because up until now I've had no problem refusing off-plan foods and sticking with it.  But the injera! I lost my will and ate so much of it.  I immediately felt so regretful and now I'm so mad at myself.  I feel bloated and frustrated.  I'm trying not to beat myself up about it too much and so today I'm starting again with new resolve.  


Hello Day 1, The Sequel

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Don't beat yourself up. You didn't fail because you are starting over. Learn from the experience and rock the next 30 days. And 7 days of compliant eating with a speed bump is a better starting place then you were probably at on your first day 1. Focus on the positives and move on! :)

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Hey Natalie,

I am the semi-professional re-starter...NOT kidding. Truth is the best part is EACH time I learn a little more...and do a little less damage (so to speak) This is not a linear process...we are all human. The key is  to NOT give up...dust yourself off and get back on track. This isn't a black or white process...balance is the most important element. I am on my FIRST day 11!! 


You said the most important part...you said "FANTASTIC" yup! THATS the stuff that keeps us motivated and making better decisions every day!!!

Good for you and keep up the good work...now put away the hammers... ;) 

Grandma Carolyn 

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Carolyn- Congratulations on making it 11 days!!!! I'm looking forward to being there one day myself :) You're so right, I definitely learned a lot, and my resolve is even stronger now that I see what a difference one cheat made.  I'm so grateful for this forum and everyone on it and how effective it is at keeping me accountable.  Everyone is so supportive and I'm already feeling so much better and excited for the next 30 days!

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