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Muscle spasms?


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Hi everyone, I am on day 9 of my first whole 30, and I have been doing well, for the most part; nothing unexpected. However, yesterday I had a long day, had trouble sleeping, and today . . .terrible muscle spasms! This is a setback for me as I spent ten weeks in physical therapy dealing with this, rehabbing old martial arts injuries. Don't know if the flare up could be associated with my whole30 or not.

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I assume since you have been dealing with this for a while you have tried everything under the sun, but have you tried magnesium? Many people on the whole30 use Unflavored Natural Calm. Maybe it will work for you. My Naturalpath told me about Formula 303. It is a natural muscle relaxer. You might want to ask your health care professional about it. You don't need a prescription. Mfg by Dee Cee Labs Inc. 304 Dee Cee Ct, White House, TN 37188. I hope you find some relief soon.

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Thanks everyone. I added in Magnesium and that is helping, though I am not sleeping well, and that makes all the self care feel like an impossible task to pile on work, mom stuff and home manager. Sorry to whine, hoping for sleep tonight. I know it says day xten and eleven are hardest; I am determined to hang tough!

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Definitely hang in there. 


I loved the Timeline because for the most part it was right on and helped me to keep on going. 


The sleep one took longer for me.  I have had trouble sleeping for quite some time.  I am on day 40 now and have been sleeping REALLY WELL for about the last 10 days. 

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Thanks! I got a good night in between 10 and eleven and not much last night. I broke down and started taking zyrtek for uncontrollable overall body itching, sp. arms and legs. Today Fay 12, I have flu symptoms so am resting. Thinking an epsom salts and baking soda bath may help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Melimuse -- interesting.  I had the leg cramps about day 8, and then last night, day 12, I had overall body itching, arms, legs, hips, you name it.  I took a Benadryl, rubbed some coconut oil on my legs, and then tried to sleep on my hands so I didn't scratch.  I'm not sure what is going on; I didn't have anything to eat yesterday that should have led to this itching.  After the leg cramps I cooked up a lot of spinach and ate that, in the hopes that it would help with the magnesium. 

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Natural calm gives me insomnia and diarrhea. I prefer to take magnesium glycinate tablets, which are more easily absorbed (no diarrhea) I find though that if I take my last tablet late in the evening before bed, it still have trouble sleeping. I try to take one tablet with each meal. It has helped with my muscle spasms and heart palpitations a lot, though I still get them sometimes.

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So happy to have found this thread. Suffering with terrible back spasms today. Truthfully, don't think it has to do with The Whole 30 though, as I'm prone to them and have had a nagging ache in that area for well over a week now. I do not take Magnesium, suppose I should. I bad about taking pills. Gonna check out that Formula 303 too!

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