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Hi everyone, today is day 10 of the Whole30 for me! Woo! now, I have trouble sleeping and I would usually take melatonin along with some valerian tea or maybe some Tylenol PM. I don't want to take anything to go to bed anymore and I'm going to try to just go to bed (turn off the TV an hour before, lower the lights, read a bit and go to bed) but out of habit, because of taking "something" non-prescription to go to bed, it's been hard to just go to bed without a "crutch" so to speak.


I bought the Natural Calm magnesium supplement and I honestly cannot yet tell if it helps BUT I tend to wake up in the morning and have diarrhea. I apologize for being so graphic but did anyone else experience this? Should I lower my dosage or stop altogether? I didn't take it last night and this morning was a breeze, if you know what I mean.


I am planning on incorporating more strenuous exercise into my day (but with a 9 to 5 job AND school twice a week it's a bit hard) and drink some chamomile and valerian tea before bed and tune out "naturally" but I just wanted your feedback on this supplement and how did you tolerate it.



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Natural Calm requires an adjustment phase for most people. You might benefit from lowering your dose and working up over a 5-10 day period. Natural Calm relaxes me, making it easier to fall asleep, but it does not have any effect on me after 4-5 hours. I take timed release melatonin in addition. The melatonin helps me stay sleepy longer (I am a very light sleeper). I found the timed release formulation important because the regular stuff wore off quickly and did me no good after 4-5 hours. 


Curiously, I went on vacation to the mountains recently and easily slept 10 hours every night and took naps during the day! As soon as I came back home and my day-to-day duties, I went back to being a light sleeper who has trouble getting 8 hours of sleep in a night. :)

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Magnesium can CERTAINLY cause diarrhea. It's actually a very common laxative, in many forms, so I'd either reduce the dosage or stop altogether. I've taken magnesium for quite some time, for constipation actually, and I have terrible insomnia...it doesn't seem to help with that. Maybe you can try some of the relaxing herbal teas or stick to melatonin if that helps. 

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