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First time - day 3


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I started my first Whole 30 Monday. I know I'm a first timer, but I have every confidence I won't fail or cheat once. Last week I finished a month agreement with my husband to eat paleo. I never once cheated during that time (can't say the same for the husband). The only real differences between last month and this month is that, while we cut out all cheese, I had my usual cream in my coffee, made snacks with Stevia, and weighed every day.


Daily weighing is the one thing I'm having trouble giving up. That's like a thing for me. It's my reward for doing good and losing weight or my reminder that I ate the wrong thing and shouldn't do it again. Monday morning, before my first Whole 30 breakfast, I weighed in just so I know where I started when I get to the end of 30 days, then I put the scale in the other bathroom that I never use. It's crazy that that's the one thing it's killing me to give up.


I'm drinking my coffee black. I tried switching to using ghee last week but it's just too rich for my morning coffee. Maybe with some sweetener and cocoa powder as an afternoon treat, but not for my mornings. We have a coffee shop at work and a previous treat on a stressful day would be a large breve, but that was easy to give up since Americanos (without cream) are just as good.


Not really a hard thing, but annoying, is consistently eating breakfast and lunch every day. Breakfast and lunch aren't something I usually eat, unless I had made cookies the night before. I typically just eat a good dinner and snack on something if I need to. But, my current breakfast is sliced apples with sunbutter and my lunch is carrot sticks with homemade guacamole and a boiled egg.


Before last month I ate what I consider about a 70% paleo diet. I have several food allergies and sensitives so I had all but cut out chemicals and anything that makes me feel funny. I guess my worst offender is dairy and occasionally bread. The husband and I love cheese and cream in our coffee. Half and half, mind you; never that chemical filled creamer nonsense. And the bread is the husband's fault. He would get wheat bread for sandwiches knowing I wasn't supposed to eat wheat but I would occasionally give in and not care how I would feel later. After this last month of eating paleo he's seen that keeping bread in the house is a temptation I too oft give in to and has agreed to not buy it anymore.


I'm doing this Whole 30 on my own. The husband obviously eats what I feed him at home, but outside of the house he has more leeway to eat whatever he wants.

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I don't know how you can make through the day with such a small breakfast and lunch!

I had breakfast this morning at 6:30, I was starving! Had a huge plate of broccoli, omelette, black radish with tuna, and an orange.


We're trying to group all whole30 members started on 10 Feb on this thread if you want to join us :


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Way to go on committing to paleo for an entire month--that is quite the accomplishment alone. The scale is a hard obsession to break--I broke up with it long ago because I find that I feel guilty for letting such a superficial marker of "success" dictate my mood. Now I'm pregnant and gaining weight is absolutely necessary--so my goal is to gain a HEALTHY  amount of weight. My point is that I think that letting go of this way to measure success is something that will only make you happier and better in the end. 


You said, "But, my current breakfast is sliced apples with sunbutter and my lunch is carrot sticks with homemade guacamole and a boiled egg" I'm just wondering if you meant this week since starting the Whole 30. I'm not sure whether you've seen it but the meal template specifies that you should have a palm size serving of protein (minimum) and if you're having eggs then usually that's 3+ if that's your only source of protein for that meal, 2-3 cups of veggies, and 1-2 thumbs of fat. So, your breakfast, though contains compliant foods, would not meet the template (you still need protein and vegetables to have a whole 30 approved meal) and neither would your lunch (it would if you added 2 more boiled eggs). It gets easier after a while and you just kind of have to suck it up and DO IT until it does. I know that's probably not what you want to hear but I promise that after a bit your body gets accustomed to eating regular (as in not having one large meal and grazing), hearty, and balanced meals. 

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Let me explain a little about why we ask you to eat a real, substantial breakfast of protein, fat, and veggies within an hour of waking in the morning. The most important thing in losing fat is to gain the cooperation of your hormones. Your hormones dominate whether you hold on to fat or release it easily. One of the most important things you can do to gain the cooperation of your hormones is to eat a substantial breakfast of protein, fat, and veggies within an hour of waking. This meal signals your hormones to get busy and it is important that they get busy early in the day. This has consequences for how well you sleep at night, which is another critical factor in fat loss. So if you want to improve your body composition a little or a lot, breakfast is critically important. One more note: fruit is a poor choice in the morning. Fruit is a dose of sugar and your body will do better as the day begins if you don't give it a sugar rush to start things off. 


Another explanation about why we ask you not to weigh yourself during a Whole30. You are confused about the wisdom of the scale. It doesn't know if you ate well or badly on any given day. The scale is completely ignorant about the quality of your meals and regularly tells you lies. You see, a human body normally rises and falls in weight from day to day. You can eat crap on a day when the scale tells you that you did well and you can eat perfectly according to your needs on a day when the scale tells you that you did it all wrong. If you keep listening to a liar like the scale, you will find it difficult to listen to your body. You see, your body is subtle while the scale is clear. Clearly wrong at times, but always clear. This is not a minor detail. The scale has a lot to do with why many people cannot lose weight. They keep listening to a liar when they should listen to the Whole9 meal template and their bodies.


This is important. Memorize it: http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf

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That's just what I've chosen for this week since breakfast isn't a typical meal for me. I'm working my way up. I'm also working on learning to go to bed earlier so I can wake up early enough to have to have time to make breakfast. I'm not a morning person in the least bit so this is hard for me. The last thing I want to think about in the mornings in cooking and cleaning. But I'm working up to it.


I've recently discovered a love for avocados so I'm definitely looking for ways to add those into almost any meal.

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