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Day 25 & not sleeping well


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My husband and I are on Day 25 and have not slept well for the past 3 nights. Up until this rough patch, we have been sleeping great! I also woke up with a killer headache in the middle of the night that was still lingering this morning. He came home from work yesterday with an awful headache and was really grumpy. Any ideas for what could be going on with us? I also feel like neither of us have experienced the "Tiger Blood". We both have more energy but it's nothing extraordinary.

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I am in a similar boat but on day 15.  I know there's a timeline, but it's not going to be the same for everyone.  Hang in there, you're almost done with your 30 days, and you can regard that with pride no matter what else occurs.   :)

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It would help to see what you've been eating, drinking, and get a sense of your level of exercise. Can you post 2-3 days worth of your food log, along with this information?  Folks here can then give you specific feedback on possible tweaks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My husband and I are on day 25 and started having similar sleep problems on day 23. For the past four nights, we've been going to bed at the usual time but waking up several times between 3 and 5 a.m. No headaches though and I'm feeling tiger blood during the day.


Natural Calm did nothing for me sleepwise, but made me constipated the next day. I tried melatonin last night and I woke up only 2-3 times, but still did not sleep throughout the night. We put up blackout curtains two nights ago and they also did not make a difference.


Here's a few days from my food log and my husband more or less eats the same but sometimes chose different leftovers for lunch:
Day 25: Feb. 26

B: 2 eggs, 1/2 c blueberries, tbsp almond butter on half a banana
L: pork sausage, 1.5 c butternut squash soup
S: turkey breast, clementine, mayo
D: olives, big salad with argula brussels sprouts, butternut squash, salmon

Day 24: Feb. 25
B: 2 eggs, salsa, half avocado, 2 turkey sausage links, sip fruit juice
L: cauliflower rice, turkey burger, baingan bharta
D: pork sausage, sweet potato, marinara sauce

Day 23: Feb. 24
B: 2 eggs, salsa, leftover steak, half avocado, few tostones
L: plantain mash, pulled pork, half avocado, nectarine, handful almonds
D: bison burger on mixed greens with tomatoes, yuca fries, green beans
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I'm also on day 25, and have had trouble sleeping the past two nights!  Weird!  I did have bacon for the first time... but that's the only thing that I've done that I hadn't been doing!  So strange!


As for your log, you definitely need more veggies.  You should be having a full serving with every meal!  (I believe you should have a non-starchy vegetable in addition to your starchy vegetable, so if you have plantains you should also have brussels sprouts... but I may be wrong on that?)  Doubt that has anything to do with the difficulty sleeping though!

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Are you both stayed sufficiently hydrated? Aim for drinking water, in the amount of at least half your body weight in ounces, daily.

It's hard to tell portion sizes, but are your meals satiating you for 4-5 hours? When eggs are your only protein, the serving size is the number of eggs you can hold in your hand. Are you getting healthy fats at every meal? (unclear on your 1st two dinners and yesterday's lunch.)

On the veggies, yes, your past two breakfasts could have used them. Don't let fruit push veggies off your plate: aim for 1-3 cups of veggies per meal.

Watch the fruit juice - that's only supposed to be used as a flavoring in cooking, not as a beverage, on a Whole30.


When you go to bed, are your minds quiet? How's each of your levels of stress lately?

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Thanks for the advice. We both drink a lot of water and have a relaxing bedtime routine. I can't seem to stomach veggies at breakfast aside from plantains or sweet potato hash but I'm going to try for these last few days. I usually supplement egg-based breakfasts with another protein like turkey sausage or leftover steak. I forgot to note I ate almonds at lunch yesterday and the day before and homemade mayo on our burgers the other night. Feeling satiated for 5-6 hours.


I probably should have mentioned we moved our bed to the spare bedroom on Saturday (repainting our bedroom). But we slept great Saturday night-- just not since. I thought I might be waking up because of light from our neighbor's yard, but adding room-darkening curtains didn't help last night. It could be something else about the new room that's messing us up. My husband's been under a lot of stress at work lately, but we usually diffuse that in the first hour of getting home.


Otherwise, we feel really good. Around day 10-14 we were unintentionally falling asleep at 8 p.m. but now we're both good until 10. I don't have trouble waking in the morning.


Also strange - the tiger blood showed up at the same time I've been waking up during the night.

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For some folks, the new surge in energy seems to coincide with a couple of days of interrupted sleep. Most folks report that it passes quickly.


Thanks, Robin. That sounds like me. Every time I was waking up at 3 or 4 a.m. my body felt ready to go even though mentally I just wanted to go back to sleep. Lasted about four days for me. I'm now sleeping soundly and halfway done with Day #30!

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