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My Whole30 Log


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Hello world! 


I am currently on Day 7 of my W30 journey and have already seen a leveling out of my blood sugars. And when I say "seen" I actually mean it--as a Type I diabetic I have a continuous glucose monitor and have seen my sugars even out quite a bit. Although I have had to have some sugar a few times in order to correct a low reading--but I have told myself I need to look at it as medicine and move on. I'm not giving in to a craving, I'm doing what I need to do!! :)


I am still having some headaches here and there, and am tired.


Yesterday (2/27) - Day 6


Breakfast: Chia pod + Tazo Awake tea + coconut milk

Lunch: Chocolate Chili & guacamole

Dinner: Sweet Italian Sausage & cherry tomato "hot plate"

Snack: Banana with sunbutter and coconut

*This was a mistake and something I won't be having again--the banana was wayyyyy too much sugar for me to take in after not having really any for a week, I did not feel good.


Today (2/28) - Day 7


Breakfast: Sausage & Egg Bake (http://www.marksdailyapple.com/sausage-egg-breakfast-bites/#axzz2pSK2YAcR), Tazo Awake tea + coconut milk

Lunch: Curried Broccoli Soup &  Sweet Italian Sausage


Hoping to feel that "renewed energy" here in a couple of days!!

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Wonderful news that you are seeing improvements with blood sugar.


A chia pod does not measure up as a Whole30-quality meal. We want you to have protein, fat, and veggies every time. You might want to review the meal planning template: http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf


I am concerned about the Sweet Italian Sausage. If it has sugar or another sweetener as an ingredient, it does not measure up to Whole30- standards. 


Other wise, your meals look fine.

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Thanks, Tom--I agree, the Chia Pod was a last-minute fix and that is the only time I have had it. Not again for bfast! :) I forgot to mention I had a hard-boiled egg along with the Chia Pod, but still no veggies.


I believe the sausage was W30 compliant, the only sweetener was fruit juice--trust me, I am becoming a label freak, but let me know if that doesn't work and I will cut it out.



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Today for breakfast I had a W30-Scotch egg with some Olive Oil mayo + a kiwi + Awake tea/coconut milk

*My stomach started to hurt a little bit after this, and has continued--I had a similar reaction the other day with the mayo--not sure if I am allergic to raw egg/if that is even a thing? Cooked egg doesn't seem to bother me at all.


For lunch I was out for a client meeting and had beets and haricot verts cooked in an oil with some canola (I found this out after my meal), even though I had asked for everything to be done in OO. Joy. I also added grilled shrimp to the meal.


I then just had a snack of raw veggies + a few olives and dill pickles. Again, with the mayo. And now my skin feels a little itchy but not sure if it is all in my head now?


Any suggestions on the raw egg stuff? I LOVE the mayo and want to continue eating it. I'm thinking I wait a few days and then try again. Also not sure if I just got some bad eggs? I mean, I've had Caesar salads and the like before and don't recall any issues.


Thanks in advance!

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