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Success Story X 2


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So it is the last day of Whole 30 for me and my partner Julie. Last year before Christmas I joked with a friend of mine that I was going to start eating like a caveman after Christmas. I started out in January this year by quitting sugar after reading Sweet Poison by David Gillespie and almost instantly saw fantastic results, I lost 15kgs in 5 months, my skin cleared up, my brain worked much better and I didn't have the hypoglycemia problem that has plagued me for years. During this I was still having issues with bloating, stomach pain and energy levels and while researching sugar free websites such as Sarah Wilson's blog I came across paleo and primal eating. I started incorporating some of the paleo principals but was still eating some non-gluten grains.

Then I found the Whole 30 website and decided it was just the thing to try full on paleo out. I tricked my poor partner into agreeing to have a go as well (mostly as I do all the cooking and shopping and she didn't have much choice) and we started in July as it's a quiet month for us. Here's some of our results:

  • I lost 4.6kg and Julie lost 6kg in 30 days!!!!
  • We are both training much better at the gym
  • Way more energy, I work full-time and study part-time so this has been a big plus
  • No more stomach pain for me and Julie's allergies have gone
  • Fantastic skin and hair - finally no more zits!
  • No cravings for sweets or other off the list foods - I even turned down Moet and red velvet cake at a friends 21st birthday
  • No hypoglycemia episodes for me
  • Julie quit coffee at Day 3 after 19 years of being a slave to caffeine

The best part about the whole thing for me has been seeing the fantastic results for my partner, she was pretty resistant about the whole thing and now she is total paleo convert! We are both planning to continue on with the main principals of it all, and will have the odd glass of wine or paleo-treat on occasion. I am going to trial adding back in full-fat greek yoghurt any my 180 nutrition protein powder as they are the only things I missed. We couldn't be more pleased with our results and can't wait to loose even more weight, get fitter and healthier and be able to show everyone we know that this is the way to do it, not the low-fat bullshit we have been fed for years.

If anyone reading this is thinking about trying a Whole 30 I couldn't recommend it enough, it has been a completely lifechanging and maybe even lifesaving experience.

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