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Starters around 3/18?


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I started wednesday! I would love some support. I'm lucky to be getting support from my friends and family, who all think that I'm very 'brave', but talking to some people that are doing this thing would be awesome! How are you feeling so far?

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Tina R - sure, but not all of them would be interested in being support buddies. :)

VR - Feeling pretty good today! It's day 4 for me, I've been sooooo tired the past couple days. Also trying to figure out portions to keep my blood sugar from bottoming out on me, which has happened most days so far. How are you??

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@momo: Hmm....I heard and read that most people are pretty tired the first days. I think they call it carb flu? Still sucks though! I'm feeling really good actually, I already sleep a lot better and feel energized and happy. It's kind of scary because I expected to feel like crap. What I do for my sugar is not eat fruit and sweet potatoes. I had those on day 2 and after an hour I had hunger pains until the next meal. Since not eating them I feel a lot less hungry. I also try not to snack, which I only did once. I do really mis my wine, cheese and chocolate! But I'm going to finish this thing! Hope your energy levels keep up! Good luck today!


@eileen: welcome! I'll check out your log!

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Day 5 for me today - woke up feeling awesome. My DH and I usually trade naps on the weekends (my kids are always up by 6), and I didn't even need a nap today. I literally can't remember the last time that happened. I also didn't have any blood sugar crashes yesterday, which I'm thrilled about. AND my bloat deflated. Win!

How's everyone doing today?

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Yay, momo, that's great! Isn't it weird how much what you eat affects how you sleep? I'm sleeping way better since starting the W30, and my dreams are way clearer. It already makes it worth it, doesn't it?


I'm doing good today, had a party yesterday and I was very scared to go, because I'm a bit of a party girl and love to get my booze on. But I totally did fine! Only water and no snacking! It was a little bit boring, I have to admit, bit I now believe I can still have my social life these 30 days and that's a big deal for me. My friends didn't really mind, there was the occasional comment 'just one sip won't hurt' but they didn't push it. And I felt great waking up this morning, no hangover, yay. 


I'm doing some meal prepping tomorrow, I already made rubble of my dinner today. (chicken stir-fry, nothing special). I'm trying the chocolate chili from Well Fed because I keep reading it's the best and I really want to try. Also making it a double for leftovers. 

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The chocolate chili is AMAZING. I made some a few days ago and have happily eaten the leftovers every day since. I'm glad the party went well! We have a family thing tomorrow and I'll have to bring my own food. Not looking forward to the looks and questions, but OH WELL.

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I made the chocolate chili today! Didn't eat it yet though. Did most of the cookup from Mel's week 1 plan. Feeling great. Waiting for the hard part to kick in. Because I know it will.

Eating out tomorrow for the first time since starting. I got to pick the restaurant so I went to the place I think will have the most options and be open to my requests.

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Hi ladies! It looks like your doing great! I started on 3/16 and the first week was great. I thought it would be much harder since the culture in the middle east too is focused on lots of bread paleo opposite foods. Thankfully it has been a sweet time with friends. God willing, it will continue.


Today is day 8 and my sugar dragon is in full swing! That's one of the main things I want to kick. I think I'm noticing that when I eat fruit, I want more sweet fruit. Also I made homemade ketchup, to go in a meatball recipe from Well Fed, and it used figs. I snacked on a few figs and boy did that bring the dragon out too. This week my focus is to stay away from ANY dried fruit, maybe one fresh fruit in the morning if any and snack little to  none on nuts. If you have any suggestions on sweet cravings, I'm all open.



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@momo: the chocolate chili is now slowly simmering it's way to awesomeness. I hope. I followed the recipe completely and it smells so amazing! 

@eileen: I'm with you on the hard part. This still feels fine. As a matter of fact, I feel pretty great. No headaches, no tiredness, nothing. I happen to love cooking so doing that two-three times a day doesn't really feel like a chore. But it probably will in 10 days or so. Oh well, just have to keep going and supporting each other! We can do this! 

@marla: welcome! Here in the Netherlands bread and cheese are like one of the most important staples, so I get what you mean! I personally don't eat fruit and sweet potatoes because they awaken my cravings. I also don't snack. At all. This helps me keep going and not have any discussion in my head about eating something, if that makes sense. I read that having fruit with your meal, rather than as a snack can really help with cravings, so maybe try that?


So, day 5 is here! Still doing good, still having crazy dreams about robbing banks and stuff. Not about food (yet?) and sleeping really well. I love my new sleep pattern, I feel so rested when I wake up. Also my skin is starting to smooth out and I'm a lot less bloated. So unreal and awesome!!


I went running today for the first time since on this program and I was very anxious to. But it went really well!! I'm doing a 5k on april 6th, my first and I love how my body feels after a run. So alive. The rest of the day is all about reading about Whole30 and Paleo and coocking. I love sunday's! What are you guys up to?

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Hanging out trying to feel better. (I'm sort of sick, not carb flu sick, but germ sick). Hubs made me breakfast and it helped a lot. I caved into some medicine to avoid a full sinus infection, but I found a site Melissa Hartwig specifically said take the medicine if you need it. http://www.janssushibar.com/whole30-sick/?replytocom=39770#respond in the comments

Supposed to meet with my sister and it would have been lunch, but since I wasn't feeling fabulous this morning and she and her husband are hungover from a wedding last night it will probably be after meal time so I should avoid eating out.

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I started on St. Patrick's Day - March 17.  Today is my day 7 - and I only had one really hard day so far - Day 3.  I got some bad news on Day 2, and fought through the urge to drown the news in a bag of cheetos, but woke up Wednesday loaded for bear.  It was a horrible day - lots of tears, but got through it too.  Shocked myself, honestly. 


It's getting easier, in fact so far today - it's become almost second nature to reach for water when I *think* I'm hungry..

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@VioletRose It sounds like you're having some great effects! You're right the dreaming is crazy. Yesterday I had this dream that I was so severely sunburned. Like red. But it didnt' hurt yet, so I was nervous about the following day. It was so weird. Robbing banks sounds cool. Way to go on your running! Keep us posted as to how that progresses. I think you're right, I'm going to stay away from fruits as a snack. I'll keep the sweet potatoes as they're super filling paired with a protein after a Crossfit WOD. I think you're onto something with the not snacking idea. I'm usually a grazer so I think that could work against me in the face of sugar dragons and extra food when I don't need it.


@eileenwithane Feel better & keep up the good work. Sounds like you're making the best out of your sickness.


I'm realizing how sensitive I am to sugar. After eating those dried figs yesterday, I realize I woke up with a "hangover" type feeling and an upset stomach. Luckily, I was fully hydrated so I feel pretty good about blaming those dang figs.


Did a Crossfit WOD today & felt a little lethargic & heavy. Although my squats seem deeper & stronger. Hopefully this will continue as I can reign in my cravings & meals. I started thinking about doughnuts? I haven't had a doughnut in like a year.


You guys are doing great and are such great encouragement!

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@eileen: hope you feel better soon! It must be hard sticking to the program when you're not feeling well. 

@chapin: so sorry for you for getting such bad news! And you can be proud for sticking with good foods during this time. Really good!

@maria: I'm so jealous you get to do Crossfit! I really want to do it to, but there is no possibility for me to do it here....your doughnuts comment made me laugh! 


Well, I have to say....Chocolate Chili is the best thing ever!! It was soooo good! Yum! I'm going to make this every week and going to try more of my Well Fed recipes. 

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@chapin, I'm sorry about the bad news. I think I saw your post about it, I'm impressed you powered through. Food is the usually the first thing I reach for when I'm upset. Or bored. Lol

@maria, I'm a former CF'er. I miss it terribly, I'm hoping to get back to it soon.

I'm dragging today. So much that I checked the timeline - day 7. Sleeeeeep. So, pretty much right on schedule. Yay? Pants continue to get looser and my skin is starting to clear up. Genuine yay!

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@momo: Sleep? Oh no, my day 7 is tomorrow and it will be a busy one. Don't want to sleep, haha. But yay on the pants and skin! Amazing what food can do, right? I know, I said it before, but it still surprises me a lot! Still sleepy today?

@eileen: Very good! Wow, I would never have the willpower to get up so early and workout. My hat of to you!


So, day 6 is here. This is going faster than I thought. Had leftover choco chili for lunch. The best thing ever. Making chicken tandoori tonight. For the first time with coconut milk instead of sour cream. Hope it tastes good. Tomorrow is another running day, and I have to go to the farmers market for new veggies and go to school. Busy day. But I still have loads of energy. My skin is also turning very soft and for some reason, my teeth feel very clean....weird. There are some hard times, but nothing I can't handle. 

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Hi Somerlee! How cool that you all stared together! That must make it a lot easier! The chili is the best!! 


So, two things happening here. I had my first dream in which I ate a cupcake (I don't even like cupcake's) and cheese (hmm...cheese) and felt awful about it. I woke up so relieved that it was just a dream!! Second: I am in my Kill all the things fase. I mean, I could actually kill things today. Had a big fight with a friend about something stupid which I really overreacted to and I warned my husband to stay away :) Let's just hope it will be just one day....don't like feeling this way. 

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Somerlee, I'm jealous! I'm going it alone IRL. My husband mostly eats like a kid. :)

I'm feeling pretty good today! I usually feel tired, then fine, then increasingly sucky as the day goes on. I'm probably not eating enough of something, I'll have to tweak it some more. I had a dream last night that I licked my finger while I was making something non-Whole 30 and then spit it out. That actually happened on day 2, I was making a pb&j for my son and licked my finger without thinking about it. I literally spit it out in the sink. Lol

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@Somerlee Welcome! I agree, that is really cool that you can all do it together.


@VioletRose - that dream sounds bittersweet & delicious! Looks like you're going through all the right phases. It will be smoother when things mellow out. Let's call it a win since it was just one friend.  We'll continue hoping it's just one day! For the sake of your husband  ;)  I keep dreaming about eating something then finding out it has a bit of sugar or other ingredient & freaking out!


@Momo, sounds like you're going strong. I know it's hard if you're doing it alone in your home. But you've got us, and you're encouraging me! I feel like your first victory is in how brave you are to start, even if your husband isn't on board yet. Way to go! I read a great article on The House Divided. It was a whole30 article on how to make it even if your husband/roommates/etc. aren't on board. You may have already read it. I found it pretty helpful.


I'm on Day 11 now. Day 10 felt like a breeze. I think it helps in exploring new recipes. Eventhough I don't like to cook much. Oh and staying busy. That really helps. Today I've actually been craving things I don't really want like cakes & sugary junk. However, a few victories snuck in. It might be nice for us to share some of the victories whether it be changes or decisions etc. @Violet, we'll say since you didn't kill anyone, you've already got a victory there!

1. Went to visit my arab friend and her family for her birthday (who are so generous with hospitality & pushing food because they're just that full of love) and I told them ahead of time that I was fasting so as to not offend anyone by picking through food or not eating. It went wonderfully. 3 hours later I had water, coffee, and tea, all without sugar or any extra additives. That's a big win for me b/c I hate disappointing. People pleasing is pandamonium.


2. I bought a crockpot at a garage sale here. I've never used one but I don't know how I've lived without it. I found a recipe for the most delicious chicken I've ever cooked (by cooked, I mean thrown in a crockpot after marinating. Who am I kidding, I've never marinated anything in my life) Here's the recipe if anyone is interested. You won't regret it! The meat falls off the bone: http://paleopot.com/2013/01/chili-cilantro-lime-chicken/


3. Upped my handstand time to 58 sec. Working on 1.30 before my birthday at the end of april. I'm feeling noticabley better during Crossfit. But I think I still have a bit of a ways to go.


Next to work on is a closer watch in portions & making sure I'm hungry when I'm eating around dinner & afterwards. P.S. Quitting the fruit, unless only in the mornings has really helped in the sweets cravings. Althought that sugar dragon seems to always be lurking.

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