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Bikerchic's log


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Hi everyone,


So I'm on day 3 and I know I'm a little late starting my log but, hey, I'm a busy girl.  I went to bed with my stomach grumbling last night and I'm starving this morning.  I had no issue with hunger what so ever until last night.  I feel like I've been eating plenty of food so I'm not sure if this is just normal or what.


for breakfast this morning I had a scrambled egg, a bowl of the gingered zucchini soup (best soup ever!!), a handful of pistachios and two mandarin oranges.  It's pretty strange to me that I'm so hungry when before starting Whole30 my normal everyday breakfast was an egg and a fruit. (I will say I'm used to eating five times a day so maybe it's catching up.)   So what gives?  It's not like I'm craving any no-no's but I feel like a bottomless pit!!

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A better breakfast might be three scrambled eggs, the gingered zucchini soup, but no mandarin oranges or nuts. Oranges and nuts are okay, but eggs are more substantial nutrition and will keep you satisfied longer. In general, feeling hungry is a good clue that you need to eat more. Eating Whole30-style tends to raise your metabolism so that your body burns more energy. This means that it is easier to lose fat, but it also means that you may need to eat more than you were accustomed to eating in the past. 

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