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Normal to be SO hungry when on your cycle?

Brittany Long

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I am always so tired when my cycle comes around and I notice this is when I binge eat and drink a lot of caffeine. I made the mistake of having coffee two days in a row and then I switched to tea today. But I am super hungry and tired. I had to have a snack. Didn't think I'd make it! I had strawberries, an apple banana, walnuts, and unsweetened shredded coconut. Any tips?? I was doing really well!


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Up your carb dense veggies at your meals, especially at this time of the month.


When you are hungry between meals, have a mini meal including a protein and fat. Save your fruit to have with or immediately after your main meals only.

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Your body needs carbs. Reach for starchy veg. I find if I plan ahead and up them prior to being downright starving, I do much better.

Those cravings are instinctual - your body NEEDS more energy just prior to your period. Listen to instinct in a complaint way.

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Try some baked plantain chips with a little coconut oil on them.  Really tasty and helps with the carb needs.  I crave them right before I start. Usually 1/2 - 1 plantain (worth of chips) will do the trick.  I hate having the craving to begin with, but the plantain solution is much better than the bag of peanut butter M&Ms solution I used to have.

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I get that way too! I want to eat ALL the things. And I usually do. I've found that with Whole30, I eat more starchy veg (ALL the sweet potato) at meals and it keeps me satisfied longer. And, when I need a snack, or an emergency mini-meal, I have these compliant meat sticks (Nick's Sticks) and some kind of fat. Sometimes I also have a Larabar, but I keep those to a minimum because they're so sweet. 


I've found that keeping a baggie of shredded sweet potato in my fridge makes it much easier to get starchy veg in when I don't feel like taking the time to cut up sweet potato. It keeps for about a week (though it never lasts that long).


These snacks are way better than the chocolate, ice cream, and cookies I used to reach for!! 

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