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Last night (Day 19) I had "the dream."  In my dream, I went off the rails and ate a chocolate cupcake...and then the whole tray of chocolate cupcakes.  I blame the Easter goodies ads and displays that are everywhere!  Actually, I see that this is a common occurrence about this point in the program...but it's a bit scary.  Sweets really have been "food without brakes" for me, so I know they would be dangerous...no such thing as "just a bite."  Not yet, anyway.  In my waking hours I am doing fine, so apparently my Whole30 is progressing normally.


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I had one weird dream during my last whole30, but it wasn't food related and I can't remember what it was about now. I find it strange how so many people dream about foods that they didn't even eat or like even before whole30, or things they hadn't had in years.

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