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Reintroducing wheat. Bad news!


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So I finished my W30 on July 31st and I thought I'd add some dairy to see if I can tolerate it. No problems. I still think dairy is a bad idea, but I may have the occasional dairy cheat while I'm not Whole30ing.

A few days later, and I thought I'd try some wheat. Here is a list of what happened:

1. First of all, I felt disgustingly full, bloated, and gassy.

2. A day later, and I have a big zit in the middle of my face.

3. I was getting a pedicure today, and I noticed my sandals had made marks on my feet where they were too tight. (They are not normally tight.) Did my feet swell up?

4. When I did my workout, my knees hurt a lot. They did not hurt the whole time I was working out during the whole30. (Same exact workout.)

I'm pretty sure wheat causes inflammation in my body. Has anyone else had symptoms like this when they reintroduced wheat?

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Wheat and wheat gluten are highly inflammatory. I know that if I add wheat back after my W30 (on day 24) that I'd gain back any weight that I've lost in a matter of days and that my now resolved leg injury (thanks to the W30) would be inflamed and sore again. Not worth it!

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After my first Whole30, I had a BLT with french bread - I didn't feel bad exactly, but I had the worst brain fog, like I was sleep deprived. What I noticed more was that I wasn't sated when I finished eating, and I was hungry again 45 minutes later, complete with wonky blood sugar feeling. Good times. I used to feel that way every single day, all day. Amazing.

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after my last strict paleo month or two (it was more than 30 days), i had pizza (yeah, i know) after drinking (i know) and woke up in the middle of the night thinking i was dying because my stomach hurt so bad. i almost woke my husband up to take me to the er, but then decided to wait another few minutes..and somehow fell asleep. it was horrible. i never want wheat again. (i felt fine the next day though.)

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