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Gallbladder removed


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I completed my first Whole30 in February. I loved it! (Well, lets be honest- most of it. ;)) I lost 12 pounds and gained freedom, energy, and motivation. Unfortunately, my gallbladder quickly declined. An ultrasound showed a huge gallstone. So, I finally got it removed yesterday. So, my question is for others who have done whole30 without a gallbladder. Advice? What to avoid? Thanks in advance.

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I just did a search of the forums using the word gallbladder and got 5 pages of results. Some of them have gallbladder in the title and focus on the issue of not having a gallbladder or having trouble with gall stones, others just reference the issue. Use the search function and browse through the wealth of information already in the forum.

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I had mines removed last year. I'm currently on my second Whole30 since February. The first few weeks are somewhat difficult as your body learns how to function without a gallbladder. You shouldn't have any food restriction, but don't be surprise to have issues with diarrhea.

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I have been gall bladderless for 8 years and developed biliary reflux a few years afterward that now comes and goes.  I completed my first Whole30 (actually a Whole46) a week ago.  I did find that the Whole30 way of eating majorly messed with my lack of gall bladder and I had a recurrence of the biliary reflux (with pain, diarrhea, etc).  I am all for the Whole30 / Paleo way, but I must have more mild fruits and starchy veg (sweet potatoes, pears, and bananas) than are considered kosher.  I also cannot do full fat, even if grass fed etc.  And I discovered that snack nuts (mainly macadamias) are a real problem, giving me gut difficulties.  My next Whole30 will be nutless.


Here's an excellent article on how to be paleo without a gall bladder....



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