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Hi Everyone! I'm on day 5 of the Whole30. I've had a hard time adjusting because I'm a vegetarian…but I do eat small amounts of fish. I have no problem with eggs - I love them! 


I'm a full-time student and I work part-time, so there are moments during the week where I'm on the go. I'm hoping to find some good recipes that I can prep and freeze for those moments, and also ideas for quick meals. I definitely don't want to get burnt out by eating the same foods over and over, but it seems hard to find Whole30 vegetarian recipes. I'm going to check the Forum for a thread, I'm sure there the resources are out there!


Take care,


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Are you following the vegetarian protocol or the regular omvivore protocol? I believe you should do one or the other. If you eat fish then you should follow the omvivore protocol without eating beef and chicken if that is your preference. You should not do a vegetarian protocol plus fish. Does that make sense? I believe there is a vegetarian forum that should help with recipes. Good luck!

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