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Whole30 for the Skinny Athlete


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Hey All,


I am looking for some assistance.  I started the whole30 because I've always had minor digestion issues and a general feeling of unhealthiness.  However, I am not overweight and ideally I don't want to lose any weight from the program.  I am currently on day 7 and I think I'm over the "Carb-Flu" hump.  I have been skimping on my workouts for the past 7 days just because of the carb-flu symptoms, but now I feel ready to start my lifting regimen back up.  I am concerned that my glycogen levels are really low from the low carb adjustment.


So here's my question - If I carb up with whole30 approved foods, am I going to experience carb flu again when I reduce my carbs?  I feel like I need fruit and starchy vegetables in my diet to help keep my calories up and to maximize the effectiveness of my workouts, but I don't want to ruin the progress I've made in adjusting to a low carb diet.  I definitely don't want to ruin the progress I've made in my sleep cycle and my general feeling of "wellness" either.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Cory H

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It's really hard to eat enough carb dense vege to get anywhere near the levels of carbs that you may have been taking in when you were including grains in your diet, so don't worry about it, esp when you're not trying to lose weight.

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The carb flu happens when you remove sugars and simple or refined carbs from your diet (flour, starches, rice, potatoes -- all of which are quickly broken down to sugar). Your body, used to burning sugar as it's primary fuel, feels suddenly deprived and starts exhibiting flu-like symptoms. When you eat denser, more complex carb vegetables like sweet potatoes, plantains, squashes, root veggies, the breakdown into sugar is much slower, so there is less of the glycemic spike and crash. These carbs become just part of your daily fuel mix (along with fat). So lowering these carbs later on (if you need to; I don't know why you would need to) should not cause the carb flu. Your body simply would no longer be dependent on sugars as the main fuel. So, no detox symptoms. (You might get hungry, though. :-)


BTW, fruit is not a good way to keep your calories up. It has some nutritive value but a lot of sugar. Eat this as a side, not as a fuel source.



Potatoes might not be included in the list. There is some dispute about whether or not it's a simple carb. (But no dispute that it's not compliant under Whole30.)

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