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I ate the Easter candy 3x


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Day 7 of my first Whole30. This is INCREDIBLY difficult for me as a sugar addict.


I have NEVER been without sugar for 7 days in a row. My husband and I did "Eat to Live" after my first daughter was born to help me lose the baby weight and reset everything. I had two DOVE dark chocolate squares every day...he would ration them out to me. He had to keep the bag at work or I would eat them all. Sometimes when he bought a new bag and forgot to leave it at work I would find it in his briefcase and sneak an extra few. After the 6 weeks was over, I had lost 10 pounds but gained it right back after I started eating normal again.


That daughter is now five and thinks candy is a wonderful, beautiful thing.  My mom loves chocolate more than life itself, my sisters are addicted to sugar...it's been an issue for all of us. The day I got my license my mom asked me to drive BY MYSELF to Walgreens to get her candy!!! It's a problem.


I just had my second daughter (5 months old) and again I was looking for a plan/ diet to reset everything and shed that last bit of baby weight. A friend recommended that I pick up "It Starts With Food" because she has known a bunch of people who have lost a lot of weight/ reset their body. She said "You can do anything for 30 days".  


Thought, ok...I'll look into it. Bought the book a couple of weeks ago...picked it up after Easter and read it. Yikes. Realized what a problem I have. I can NOT keep chocolate in the house. I fooled myself by buying the 5 year old's Easter candy and saying it won't move. I made up the basket and put it away high in the closet. Uh...that didn't work. I scaled the closet shelving at 11pm trying to get my sugar fix one night. I ate the Easter candy three times!!! Kept having to go back to Walgreens to rebuy it...telling myself the same lies. The freaking people in Walgreens are like family because I am there so often buying candy!!! They wanted me to bring in the baby for goodness sakes. Really???!!!


Ok...to wrap this rant up. 1. never realized what a true sugar addiction I had until last Thursday (DAY 1) 2. Do NOT want my daughters to have to experience this personal hell of yo-yo dieting, low self esteem, body issues, etc so I need to set a good example of a healthy, active, whole food eating mama! 3. As much as I HATE Whole30 right now I am starting to feel better today, went to spin last night, pilates this morning and STILL have energy to play outside for two hours with the 5 year old, make meals, clean the house and then go to work tonight (I'm a couples therapist :) Starting to see the TIGERS BLOOD.


Here's to making it to Day 8 :)



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