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How do I know if I should do the Whole30, 40, 50, 60?

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 I've seen references on Whole30 forums that some individuals need to do more than 30 days to reset their system.  How do we determine if we need more than 30 days?  This information may be in the 'It Starts With Food' book but I'm only about halfway through right now so feel free to redirect me back to the book as a resource.


I am more than halfway through my 30 days and if I need to continue this past 30 days it would be helpful to start getting myself in that mindset now.  Thanks

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Think of the 30 days as a minimum. If you are relatively healthy with no ingrained bad habits, 30 days should be enough for you to experience fully how good life can be eating well. If you are relatively unhealthy or have bad habits, you may need much more time.

Also, I am beginning to describe the Whole30 as a trial run of eating well during which you experience the blessings of this way of life. To the extent that you adopt this approach to eating on an ongoing basis, you keep the blessings. To the extent that you revert, you forfeit the blessings.

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Think of the 30 days as a minimum. If you are relatively healthy with no ingrained bad habits, 30 days should be enough for you to experience fully how good life can be eating well. If you are relatively unhealthy or have bad habits, you may need much more time.

Also, I am beginning to describe the Whole30 as a trial run of eating well during which you experience the blessings of this way of life. To the extent that you adopt this approach to eating on an ongoing basis, you keep the blessings. To the extent that you revert, you forfeit the blessings.

Wow, Tom- I love this way of thinking about it! I am on Day 7 but don't have huge plans to change things very dramatically after day 30. I think I want to eat like this most of the time. I'm a gardener and today I planted a huge row of sweet potatoes and a few white potatoes. I thought about skipping the white ones but then I thought- eating white potatoes seasonally from my garden is probably the best possible time to enjoy them (instead of being a regular grocery item). That's how I'm trying to think about things now-- the things I miss- crusty baguettes, good pizza, sushi... are all special things- but I don't eat crusty baguettes all the time cause I don't live in France, most of the time I settle for crap bread and crap pizza... If I adopt a whole30 way of eating most of the time, I will feel so much more free to indulge when I choose to eat a truly special thing. I'm so glad I found your reply and was able to process some of my thoughts here. :)

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I'm a gardener and today I planted a huge row of sweet potatoes and a few white potatoes. I thought about skipping the white ones but then I thought- eating white potatoes seasonally from my garden is probably the best possible time to enjoy them (instead of being a regular grocery item). 


Glad you liked my thoughts. I kind of like that statement too.  B)


I never buy white potatoes in the store, but when my farmer includes them in my basket when I pick up on Saturdays, I eat them. 

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