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Need advice: which pork to use for flavoring foods?


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I'm totally new to the world of pig meat. I like the idea of adding a little pork to my egg dishes and soups for extra flavor and a little protein, but I have no idea what to add.


My understanding is that bacon is mostly fat, so should I prefer ham instead? Or Canadian bacon, whatever that is? I bet it is the fat that adds the most flavor, but I'm guessing that lean options are a better idea for health.


What's my best compliant yet cheap option? I'm betting you guys have this figured out :)

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It's tough to find compliant ham - at least for me, harder than compliant bacon. Even the "all natural" ham at my store is cured with sugar. I haven't checked Canadian bacon. If you're just looking for something to add to your eggs and that sort of thing, you might try bacon, look at the Canadian bacon (not sure about that), or look at the deli counter for prosciutto or pancetta.


But another pig option: make a big pork roast and keep that around to add protein to whatever! This is a great basic recipe.



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But another pig option: make a big pork roast and keep that around to add protein to whatever! This is a great basic recipe.




This recipe is excellent!  And the pork can be added to eggs, or soup or eaten on top of salad greens.  I also love Well Feds Italian Pork Roast.  I make it at least twice a month.

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Pork sausages (compliant, of course). I always grab a pound or two at the local farmer's market on Sundays, and it becomes the base for my scrambles and frittatas the whole week. I don't worry about the fat because the pigs are organic and pastured.

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