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Is this normal: Tired all day long and can't sleep at night


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I am 11 days in and still craving bread and grains like crazy. I am constantly tired, in fact falling asleep at my desk at work, but my night time sleep is fitful. Workouts are ok, but not great. Still have mild headaches and hardcore cravings for pizza. Anyone else?

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No cravings but I'm soooooo exhausted. On Monday, I took a nap from 7:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m....and then went back to sleep a few minutes later, but tossed and turned from 5 a.m. on. And I was still exhausted when I woke up. Workout yesterday was rough (running workout, felt like my legs each weighed 100lbs) but I pushed through..and exhausted again today. Gah! You're not alone!

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I was really, really tired the first week. Tom Denham suggested I add some sweet potatos or squash to my choices and eat a bit more and that helped immensely. Can't help with the cravings though.....I was too sick when I started to crave anything.

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I feel like I am eating a lot, but I guess what I need to remember is that there is a lot more volume in carbs from vegetables than in the same number of carbs from sugars and starches. I love the sweet potatoes and when I eat them, it is the only time I feel that full satisfied feeling, so I may add them more often. Thanks.

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Also if you are not prepping your own food or using ready made dressings, spices, etc you may be picking up some extra sugars and other non approved ingredients that could act as agonist for your cravings. As far as sleep is concerned are are you "unplugging" an hour or so before bed, there are a lot of things that contribute to irregular sleep patterns. I find that some meditation or reading helps me fall asleep. Melatonin may also help you regain a regular sleep pattern.

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