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Pain came back

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I am on day 28 of my whole 30 and have been doing great. On about day 4 or 5 the pain in my foot from plantar faciaitis and tendinitis had disappeared. I ran for the first time in 5 years...it has been awesome. But today I woke up and the pain from the tendinitis seems to have reared its ugly head again. I am wondering why? I haven't eaten any off program food and I didn't do anything different yesterday than I have been doing...Please help! 

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When did you run? or have you been running regularly since day 5?

Did you do any different exercises? Planks, push-ups, any jumping moves?

Did you wear different shoes? Were you on your feet longer than usual? Did you get a massage or pedicure?

The above are things that aggravate mine. Eating clean helps, but I get flare ups from time to time. I fill a plastic water bottle 3/4 and freeze and roll my foot on it and also use a lacrosse ball to roll it out. These help!

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Thanks. I haven't been running since...just ran once because I hadn't done it in so long! But I have been doing pure barre a ballet related exercise class...and yes there are planks and push up involved...thanks for your input, I will take note next time of when the pain starts and stops. :)

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