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Need some entertaining recipes!


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This weekend, I have to bring a savory dish to a 1 year old birthday party. Ideas? I don't want to slip up by eating treats at the party, so I'm thinking whatever I bring is going to be the only thing I can eat, aside from some other snacks I'll bring for myself.


Also, on Sunday, I'm hosting a family for dinner. It'll be 4 kids (a couple of whom are junior high boys who can eat adult-sized portions) and 4 adults eating. I want to make a great meal that I can eat, but also keep in mind that everyone else isn't on the Whole30 plan. I know there are great options of meals, but I'm not used to the cost of feeding 8 people - any meal ideas that won't break the bank? Everything that comes to mind is pricey meats - especially when I'm trying to buy better quality...and the one woman coming is pregnant, so that has to be taken into account.


I'm currently on Day 5 and have been feeling pretty good and had a few victories this weekend (like avoiding sangria, beer and a bowl of chips at a party) but today I have zero cooking inspiration. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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I would cook a chicken (maybe 2) and loads of roasted veggies for Sunday. You could do a pan of white potatoes for those that want them but I wouldn't bother. 


For the one year old's party I would make individual crustless quiches. Easy to eat and easy to transport. 

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I like the idea of chickens. Or maybe a roast? You can do that in a crock pot, and roasts can be fairly cheap. Broccoli slaw or coleslaw with homemade mayo. Mashed cauliflower. Veggie tray with homemade ranch dressing.


I second SharynF's suggestion of crustless quiches. 

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  • 1 month later...

Chicken Saltimbocca

I know it's a bit late for your request, but I stumbled across this and made it last night- *amazing*. I used Giada's Everyday Italian recipe (Google it). One modification to make it Whole30 - skip the Parmesan.

I did two other mods, brine the chicken for half an hour and skip the added salt. Used fresh shredded spinach instead of frozen. Served with spinach and green onion salad dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and pepper and butternut squash.

If you can buy flattened chicken and use frozen spinach this is 10 minutes prep and a half hour of low effort cooking. Tastes amazing and presents beautifully.

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