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day 4 -- constipation?


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hi there! this is my first whole30 and I'm pretty excited about giving it a shot. I read "it starts with food" before starting my w30 so I had a roundabout idea of what I was getting myself into. I was really surprised by how much I learned! I do have some questions though. just a prior to w30 background. I saw a food allergist who encouraged me to stay away from gluten and dairy because my test came back super sensitive to both. I'm in my second year of dental hygiene school and in the midst of taking my state and national board exams so lots of stress. I'm also 2 months away from getting married sooo.. more stress haha. my biggest concern over the years though has been my digestive issues. I had my gallbladder out around 4 years ago and nothing has been the same. I suffer from chronic constipation and bloating. in the last year I gained 25 lbs despite exercise and close food tracking so I was placed on armour thyroid and supplements like magnesium and vitamin D. it all helped for about.. a month I'd say. that's when I turned to whole30. I want to feel better and for crying out loud, have a normal bathroom regimen! I'm really excited to see what w30 brings about in that direction. yes, I'd love to drop the weight I found in such a short amount of time but that would just be a bonus compared to my constipation issues. so after that novel.. I'm on day 4 of my first w30 and haven't had a single bowel movement. is this normal? I know I'm only 4 days in so I'm wondering if I'm jumping to conclusions. any advice?

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I also don't have a gallbladder and have consitpation. I am not a doctor but I believe that the bile from your gallbladder help reduce consitpation. I saw a show where the reverse was happeing to someone. After she ate a big meal she would have diarrhea because her gallbladder released alot of bile.


I did not have any fabulous results on my whole30. One thing that helps is digestive enzymes. Because we don't have a gallbladder we need all the help we can get. Another thing is we have a tough time digesting fat. You might want to get some digestive enzymes for that. I use Beta TCP.


Adding more meat to your diet can cause constipation, your body is trying to deal with it so it can take some time. Have you tried Natural Calm? This can help with constipation. You drink it at night. It can also help you sleep. Make sure you get the unflavored one which is sugar free.


Good Luck!

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I did not have any fabulous results on my whole30. One thing that helps is digestive enzymes. Because we don't have a gallbladder we need all the help we can get. Another thing is we have a tough time digesting fat. You might want to get some digestive enzymes for that. I use Beta TCP.


I also take Beta TCP as prescribed by a naturopath, but my understanding is it helps with bile production; it isn't a digestive enzyme per se. Hydrozyme, from the same company, is a digestive enzyme.

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