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Day 1 of the Whole 30! Any tips?


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Hello everyone! I just started the Whole 30 today...wish me luck! If any of you experienced Whole30ers have any suggestions, tips, comments ~ please share! I'm excited about this new adventure in my life. I hope to have a fulfilling, learning experience.


- Shae

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Congratulations! Make sure you eat enough according to the meal planning template. Most people starve themselves on their whole30 and then feel miserable. Have some quick meals on hand for those days when you want to kill all things and don't want to cook. Be careful eating out or at other peoples homes. Most people try to be helpful but they don't understand the rules. They will add flour to coat the chicken, soy sauce to the stir fry, or butter to the veggies. Then you will have to start over on day 20 and you will want to kill them. Read your labels and then read them again. There are many products with non compliant ingredients like soy in canned tuna or soy and stevia in tea. Good luck!

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Tina is right. I find that really setting simple and clear goals helped like they say on Day 0 of the Daily Newsletter. If you haven't got it sign up for it. It was so helpful for me. Also getting on a thread that is popular where we can support each other, there are several already posting that start today. I have started today too. I also find making 2-3 days worth of food helpful and keep some emergency things that are very quick to put together available to use in a pinch.

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Today is my first day.  My diet has been absolutely horrible for the last several months.  It consists of caffeine and sugar.  I knew I needed to do something to change. 


I am paying for my poor eating today.  I feel so sick. Headachy, nausea. I am skipping the gym because there is no way I can make it through a workout.  Ughh!  I need a little reassurace. 

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