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Thanks for the memories


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What a wonderful, amazing way to live!!

I am on day #10, one third of the way through, of my first Whole30, and I am absolutely amazed at myself :)

Surprisingly, I really haven't had much of a problem with cravings; although I did have a few edgy moments in the grocery store . I found myself weaving a path through the tourists while walking around in a fog, forgetting what I was looking for. A little mad at the people stopping right in front of me, but I didn't use that frustration to get that "one last" bag of tortilla chips and "one last" chocolate bar. We live in a small community and I have to drive 25-75 miles or order online for a lot of stuff, but I can do this.

I'm not going to detail the first ten days of my Whole30, but I will update daily for the next 20 days. I don't really miss the grains, but I kinda miss the sugar. I really miss my diet soda. I really, really, really miss my vodka.

I am not sitting around whining and obsessing about these items, but think of them fondly, like when you look through a photo album. Oh there I am with that vodka soda...oh what good times....good memories. Oh...a diet coke sounds good...but it's ok, I'll have soda water.

I have really started to see how commercials are evil....full of sugar and carbs and every "unfood" item there is.....change the dang channel. I do not need any of that junk in my trunk. I know that eventually I will have some of these things again, and I will. Just not every day and only in their purest form. I am trying to get at least eight hours of sleep a night, but I have a two and a half year old who is either sleeping sideways in my bed or waking me up to sleep because she wasn't sleeping with us. It's not the best quality sleep. I haven't really been exercising lately but plan to get out and walk next week. Hopefully my hubby will get my pull up bars constructed in the back yard before too long.

I hope to get my family tiptoeing down the path to paleo, we all could benefit somehow. Obesity, overeating, eczema, psoriasis, unknown autoimmune issues, bronchiectasis, the list could go on.

I'm happy to have this forum here, it's great to be able to read everyone's stories. Writing updates on here will keep me and my family sane. I need an outlet otherwise I'm sure I would end up all duct taped in a closet so my family wouldn't have to listen to my paleo-talk any more.

Good night ;)

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I loved your post. We have to have a sense of humour don't we? We'd all go mad. I'm on day 11 and I'm now shocked at the the. Rap ingredients found in food that I used to eat all the time without thinking. Also feeding the crap to my kids. Have you seen Hungry for Change? Also The Weight of a Nation. Very interesting about food and obesity.

This forum has also made me realise that so many people have issues. I find it really helps reading other stories as well.

Well done on your journey so far!

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Thank You Cathy22 and Madronecreek :)

I will have to look up those movies, I wonder if they are on Netflix.

So right after I posted last night, my hubby went to the store to get some stuff to drink. He walked back in the door saying "I got us some cheesecake!!" The man came home with store brand oreos, cheesecake, popsicles and diet pepsi. ........ Grrrr.........Love him, mean it. Some background; He is a Marine(ret), and weighs two pounds less than he did when he graduated high school, he will never understand my struggles and loves me the way I am. He works full time and volunteers at least two hours a day as a powerlifting coach at the high school, he burns through every calorie he consumes and then some. He does understand nutrition, but doesn't quite subscribe to paleo living. He needs his white bread. blech.

But YAY me!! I simply finished my soda water with lime and went to bed to read the second half of "Well Fed".

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At this moment I am snacking on leftover cold sockeye salmon and london broil. I know it is probably way to late to be eating, but I missed dinner. We had a family gathering tonight and I didn't bring anything but soda water. I ASSumed that there would be at least one paleo item, usually there is. Oh well, I had a nice time and great conversation. I didn't feel sorry for myself one time.....that's HUGE!!

I am having scale withdrawals...anyone else experiencing this? I am used to weighing myself 2-3 times a day and I quit cold turkey. How does that make me feel? Hmm... anxious....hopeful....scared....expectant.....lost....how do I know if I am doing things right? How am I supposed to feel about myself today? Fat clothes, or not so fat clothes today?

Self esteem based on what I see and feel and not on my weight??? What a thing to have to learn in ones mid thirties. I can't use the scale as an excuse anymore and that's a good thing. In fact I have no excuses, nobody to blame, if I were to fall off the wagon, nobody pushed me, I probably jumped. Now, it's just me sitting at the table in front of the computer with a little girl on my lap.... blabbing away to cyberspace.

But that's okay I guess, because I am getting healthier every day and no matter what the scale says I will be a winner.

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My middle daughter is turning nine tomorrow, so today we are off to get pampered. Manicures, pedicures, food and/or a movie. I'm pretty sure there aren't many restaurants in this area offering pastured beef, but I will do my best. I know we have a restaurant that serves Yak, maybe it's grassfed....whatever....I know that I will only have meat and veggies wherever we go. The movie is going to be a bit tougher to get through without popcorn, candy and a vat of diet soda. I think I will get some pistachios and a water and enjoy the movie. Right now I am going to have some cinnamon coffee with coconut milk in it and get ready to go.

Have a good day!!!!

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Went to the movie, didn't have pistachios and water.....I had a giant pickle and water lol. Couldn't eat the whole pickle after I looked at the sodium content though. I then went out to lunch and had a yak burger steak with onions on it and veggies on the side....then i went out to dinner and had a sirloin steak with veggies on the side. I was as compliant as I could be. I just had vinegar on my salad because I wasn't sure what kind of oil it was and there was something on my veggies, not sure what. I hope I didn't screw up my Whole30 with that.

Went to our local Eagles club tonight for a couple of games of cribbage and just had soda water, i really missed my vodka tonight. But I know I will be thankful tomorrow that I didn't have any alcohol. I have never restricted my drinking before, and I must say, it's not as easy as I thought it would be.

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Ok, here goes.....confession time.....

I blew it.

I jumped off the wagon headfirst into birthday cake, pizza and (only one)vodka. It all started with an oops while I was preparing the cake, I got frosting on my fingers and then licked my fingers. It was a slow landslide from there.

Actually I think it all started the night before last, I couldn't take it any longer, I weighed myself. I hadn't gained, but I shouldn't have stepped on that scale. It was my gateway drug.

Starting over today. Having coffee with coconut milk and a cold pork chop for breakfast.

Have a good day

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You've done some really good thinking about what happened- nice work!

I've had to start this Whole30 over a few times. I was a bit disappointed, but those days before I messed up were still days I was eating well and improving my health. Hang in there!

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Congratulations on 'fessing up to falling off the wagon and your perseverence to pick up the pieces and jump right back on! I truly wonder how many hopefuls here just disappear because they don't have the courage to admit to imperfection... funny though how your body will quickly remind you why you don't want those foods! Been there, done that.

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I almost stayed on the wagon today, dang leftover birthday cake.


Up until yesterday, I was golden......I was doing so good, and then I just lost it. Not just one day, but two days in a row.

I am getting rid of the rest of the cake tonight, the kids don't need anymore either.

No. More. Cake.

I feel cr@ppy physically and emotionally.

Tomorrow is another beautiful new day and I plan on getting my life back in control.

I have some beautiful grass fed ribeyes, some leftover pork chops and veggies in the fridge. I just need to get some avocados, macadamias, kale, spinach and soda water. I was out of all my good fats and I wonder if that contributed just a tad to my downfall??

Lesson learned and relearned.....

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Starting my day with coffee and coconut milk, wonderful on this foggy nw morning. I am frying (in ghee)up three eggs with green onion and mushroom and I am going to pack a protein and fruit to eat on the road. I can do this.

Commencing Operation : Slay the Sugar Dragon

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Well I forgot to pack a lunch, but so far so good. I am reheating a pork chop as I type.

It's getting rather hot out so rather than cook, we are going out for family karaoke night. It is the only place in town that has a salad bar, and I know I can order some protein and veggies there for my main course. The other patrons my not appreciated my families enthusiasm for singing, but we will have fun!!

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