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What about iodine?


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Okay so I've heard that iodine deficiency can cause thyroid problems and I'm afraid that I am deficient most days.  I do not eat fish so basically most days my protein comes from egg (mostly egg white which does not have iodine) and chicken.  Since I'm not eating any processed foods or any enriched grains what about iodine? I clearly don't take in enough, I've even tried to forcefully add salt to my meals so I can have some iodine however it just made me feel sick I'm not a fan of salt after all.  How do you guys who do not eat fish make sure you're not having a deficiency? Do you take a supplement? 

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I take a daily kelp supplement as a source of iodine for general purposes. You would need to talk with a medical practitioner about how much to take to achieve anything particular regarding the thyroid. 


That said, I am concerned about the narrowness of your diet. Variety of protein sources is important because you need nutrients from more than just egg whites and chicken. We cannot make up with supplements what we miss not eating a well-rounded diet. Supplements can help a little, but the real nourishment comes from food. 


And the best part of an egg is the yolk. Failing to eat the yolk means that you are missing the best part of the egg. Don't let the misleading conventional fears of cholesterol keep you from eating whole eggs. 

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I do eat the egg yolk, for instance if I have 4 eggs for breakfast I'd put two full eggs with the yolk and the other two I'd remove the yolk and majorly not because it's unhealthy but because I just don't like the yolk taste however I still eat it since it's the good part of the egg and contains more nutrients.  You're right I don't have much of a variety I basically eat the same thing day in and day out but I'm not bored or tired from it.  I'll try to make a grocery trip today and add in a few things!

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If you really want to know if your body is absorbing iodine and the state of your thyroid, you need to see a doctor. Supplementing with iodine is not something you should mess around with by yourself.

Recently I had tests done and my thyroid panel came back normal but I had a special Thyrodine test done which showed that I wasnt taking up iodine well at all. Try getting hold of this book by Dr David Brownstein - Iodine, Why You Need It.

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