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I'm in a glass cage of emotion!

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I will preface this by saying I do know it is ridiculous.

I had a tiny, tiny taste of yogurt today because I needed to check if it was still good before my 2 year old daughter ate it. It literally was the touch of my finger to my tongue, so maybe 1/20th of a tsp. I even spit it out after so I did not swallow that tiny amount.

I realize this is a trace amount of dairy. However, I feel like I screwed up. (I also feel slightly crazy for feeling like I screwed up.) Would you start over in my position? I am on day 7.

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Yeah. I definitely did not want it. I would have preferred not to go anywhere near it, but I also did not want my daughter to consume yogurt that had gone bad.

My bigger concern is the dairy restart rule. Realistically, between only touching my tongue to my mouth and then spitting it out, I consumed next to nothing. I find it hard to believe that anyone who eats out at any point during their whole 30 would not have dairy in the amount I had today simply through cross contamination. However, I feel conflicted because I do not want to self-sabotage my results.

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