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hubby is hungry all the time!


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My husband and I are on day 8 and I feel mostly fine, but he is saying he is hungry all the time. He eats a meal, feels full and good for a little while, but an hour or two later feels starving again. Does he need more fat during or between meals maybe? He's been having a couple eggs pre-workout in the morning, then post work out is some kind of egg and meat dish (like a crustless quiche or fritatta) and sweet potatoes, then lunch, then a snack of nuts in the afternoon, then dinner. 

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Couple thoughts:


Post WO is protein and carb, no fat.  Instead of an egg for a protein (the yolk is a fat), switch to another lean protein like tuna or chicken breast.

Instead of nuts for a snack in the afternoon, have a mini meal that contains a protein, vegetable and fat. Nuts are a fat source on a Whole30.


Make sure he's drinking enough water throughout the day: aim for 1/2 an ounce of water per pound of body weight.

Have him keep playing with the portion sizes at his meals until they satiate him for 4-5 hours. It may help to see specifically what he's been eating - feel free to post a sample food log with portion sizes for 2-3 days, so folks can make comments on possible tweaks.

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If he is hungry all the time, he is not eating enough. The problem might be meal composition or portion sizes or both. It is important to be generous including fat in meals. I like to use fatty cuts of meat in my meals to make sure there is plenty of fat even if I don't include avocado or olives (easy fat additions). 


We find that many people do not eat as much as we recommend. Study the meal planning template and make sure he is eating at the top end of the range. 



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