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Anyone cured/reduced occipital neuralgia with Whole30?


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Today I started my 2nd Whole30 (last one was in February). I have had migraines and ON pain for 4 months now. Some days are better than others. I am not on meds of any kind for the ON and am hoping that by reducing as much inflammation in my body as possible I can get control of it more naturally.  Anyone had any success with that? I think my migraines were caused by some anxiety meds I was on - I have now stopped the meds. I know gluten makes my depression and anxiety worse so have been off gluten since February, with slip ups here and there - but being gluten free helps me control the anxiety without meds and thus I seem to be keeping the migraines at bay - just the ON to deal with now.

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Sorry for the ridiculously late response. I ended up not completing my whole30 last time. I know W30 is all about changing your eating habits and not relying on food for comfort, but after my ON diagnosis the pain continued to get worse. At about day 15 I just didn't care about whole 30 any more. It's hard to focus on eating well when you feel your life has ended and you are in agonising pain ALL THE TIME. I started on a whole load of supplements, many of which were not compliant, and I just couldn't see the point in depriving myself of the food I wanted given at that point the pain was so bad I just wanted to be dead. 


Well, things have moved on a lot since then. I am using exercises to help with the pain, and I have completely eliminated gluten. I truly think that has helped A LOT. I also get regular myofacial massaged which help tremendously. On January 1st I started another whole 30 (AIP) to help with the inflammation I am still battling. I don't really know if it is the diet, the exercise, or the combination, but I am doing a lot better than I was last September, and even somewhat better than I was prior to starting this whole 30. I drank Kombucha for the first time on day 19 and spent all day 20 in absolute agony, so I know that what I put in my body irritates the occipital nerves. That was very helpful information. I am far from cured, but I am able to manage to pain naturally with just the diet and exercise at this point. I have not taken any supplements beyond magnesium for the duration, and have even been off my muscle relaxers. My sleep has been much deeper the last few days which I think helps my pain too. I am still waiting for the pain from the Kombucha to go completely, but after only one day I am much more functional.

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Wow, what a scary and debilitating condition to be dealing with!  You sound positive and like your heart and mind are both lined up in the right place to give yourself the best possible treatment.


I wonder what about the Kombucha irritated you?

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