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Day 14... Motivation waning...

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I am on day 14. So far, I have seen moderate progress! The joint pain caused by my autoimmune condition seems under much better control and, while I have not weighed myself, my clothes are fitting better. However, I am still having some residual weird symptoms, such as hives, acne and, according to the dermatologist I saw on Friday, eczema, which I have never had before.

The long and the short of this is... I am lacking motivation. I have been completely compliant, other than a small slip involving caramel color in (allegedly) organic beef broth from Whole Foods. However, I feel like my food choices are going from "very good" to "less good." (I ate a Lara Bar yesterday under less-than-emergency circumstances. On Friday, I had compliant cocoa chili without a side salad thus not following the meal template.)

I want to stop this slippery slope and recommit. I would really like to finish strong because doing anything else feels like cheating myself and undermining my previous efforts. However, I am not sure how to drum up the conviction.

Any suggestions?

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Welcome to the club! At this point you get bored of the food and you don't have the enthusiasm to try new dishes. Don't beat yourself up for not eating a perfect meal as long as you didn't eat non compliant food you are good. Try to find some interesting meals to inspire you. Maybe make basic stuff like meat loaf or baked chicken. Take a deep breath and keep going. You can do it! This post might help http://whole30.com/2014/01/do-you-really-want-to-quit/

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Remind yourself of a few things:

1. It's a 30 day program. Hang in there, one day at a time, and give it the full 30 days. http://whole30.com/2014/01/whole30-tough-love/
2. If you haven't already, make a list of all the reasons you decided to embark on a Whole30. Review that list daily to help keep you motivated.  Notice the non-scale victories as you move through the process.


Switch things up. Try new recipes as Tina R suggested or a new vegetable, or new spice. Shake up your exercise routine a bit (different activity, or if you've exercising more inside, venturing outdoors).  

On the eczema, are there any triggering foods you've added in  that you've never had before, or that you're having in greater abundance (e.g., eggs, fish and nuts)?

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