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emotional meltdown to tiger blood in 24 hours?


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I am on day 25 and yesterday was, undoubtedly, the worst day in a long, long time.  Very tired, overly emotional and overwhelmed - basically I was in full on meltdown for the first half of the day.  I have been pretty low carb for the last couple of weeks so last night I added a sweet potato at dinner and a little extra fat.  This morning I woke up very happy and feeling like I could take over the world. I have had tons of bubbly energy all day long with zero caffeine (typically I drink 1-3 cups of green or black tea).  It feels as though the tiger blood switch has been flipped, and that's great, but the change was so quick and so drastic.


Has anyone else had a similar experience when not taking in enough carbs?  


Thank you!!

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My turnaround is not quite that dramatic, but I have noticed if I don't eat enough carbs I get moody and irritable and depressed, for sure. And even at a point where I was eating more fruit than usual, but not starchy veggies, I noticed my mood was lower than usual, so it's not carbs in general, it's specifically something about the starchy veggies.

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