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Christina's last ditch effort


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Well here's to having a food log. I like to keep track of things in a notebook but this will be a lot more fun! :)

I'm a 33 year old recovering sugar addict. I get crazy crazy crazy with sugar! I've tried the Whole 30 like a 100 times and I'm seriously tired of starting over and getting no where. I'm fat, I don't like the way I look in the mirror and I am fed up with reading about every one else's success story. I'm ready for my own success story.

I'm getting married on 11/30/2013 and I've been engaged for 6 years. I keep putting off our wedding because I'm fat and I don't want to be a fat bride. My Fiance is adorable, loves me no matter what and has stuck by me like no one else ever has in my life. He doesn't have a weight problem, he loves to workout (I do too!) and just wants me to be healthy so we can travel the world and grow old together. I want the same things of course! I've tried to lose weight in all the wrong ways. I go a few days, give up and go back to eating the crappy food that got me here in the first place.

I do like the Whole 30/Paleo/Primal type of life very much. I have a severe milk allergy, gluten issues and a lot of other allergies so it's absolutely perfect for me. I LOVE Crossfit! I'm starting to enjoy the simple kind of life - no Facebook, less time sitting around watching TV, having fun doing goofy things, being active.

Well here's to my last ditch effort! 3-2-1 GOOOOOOOOO! :)

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I am so glad you wrote this because I feel the exact same way. I am rooting for you!

One time when I had no issues with food was when I was super busy finding a house and preparing for our move.Maybe if you devote a lot of energy to planning your wedding it will help keep you on track.

I will be thinking of you as I fight the same battles...best wishes!

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Remember-your job for the next 30 days is to EAT GOOD FOOD! I find I can do anything if it is my main focus. I quit smoking this way, I lost 15 lbs this way, and I did the Whole30 this way. Every morning before I even got out of bed I would say to myself, "No matter what else happens, I will stay on my food plan today." If it's a priority, it will happen.

You CAN do this. Don't count how many time you didn't do it, they were just practice for THIS TIME. Congratulations for the success you will have on this Whole30!

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I'm starting my whole30 tomorrow. I like megmec's advice- every morning before I get up, commit to make it work for that day- no matter what comes up. Seriously- ONE DAY AT A TIME !!!

Hang in there- and be sure to check in here. I am SURE I'll be here often. No TV, no Facebook, minimal computer time except here. I want to be more active, come up with projects around the house to focus on when I am not busy teaching the kids. (I have 3 home still that I am homeschooling).

Goal sheets are a good thing, too :)

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Thanks to everyone who had comments! I am not really looking at this like a Whole 30 - more like Whole Life For Life! I am just doing things one day at a time. Thinking about it in terms of 30 days is a little overwhelming for me. I am already worried about day 30! Ugh, I am nuts! Just worried about one day at a time right now. We're starting a Paleo Challenge at my Crossfit box on Monday and I asked to be a team captain because I feel if I am in charge of a team and have to report in for myself and a group of others then I will be much more into this and holding myself accountible so I am really looking forward to that!

I have to vent because I don't have anyone else I can really talk to so I will vent to my blog. Today was rough. I was antsy all day. I felt like I needed a fix but I suffered through it. I had a co-worker who has been treating me like garbage for about a month basically run me over like 20 times with a dump truck after she was confronted for treating me differently and being rude to me. She put on this complete act for our boss, kissed her butt and pretended she didn't know what I was talking about. I was like, whatever Miss Fake... I can see right through you if no one else can't for the evil person you are. Ah.... I feel so much better getting that out!! :)

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Very proud of you for attempting a Whole30 again! And I love that you decided to be a team captain and your local Crossfit Box. You CAN totally do this and make it a lifestyle change. Your sign on name (formercupcakejunkie) totally cracks me up b/c I have a heart for cupcakes. I make them, eat the batter and icing, bake what's left, then eat what was baked, then crash hard! People order cupcakes from me and I'm really going to have to hault that! HA!


You've got this!!!

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I'm really impressed with you for standing up to sugar yesterday despite your awful coworker (I admit, I caved sugar-wise yesterday and today at work. Weekends are easier)

Excellent idea being team captain for your challenge at Crossfit! I've been soooo bad about Crossfitting lately. That's ll be great for you both diet-wise and showing-up-to-Crossfit-wise.

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