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Now....where are my big girl panties?


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I completed my first whole 30 this Tuesday...still tired...joints still ache every day....why, oh why, do I have MORE zits?...and no damn tiger to be found. At least, not yet.  Going to roll right into the autoimmune protocol.  Kind of suspected I would (and really hoped I wouldn't) have to give it a go, as I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.  It's just, you know, a tad bit daunting.  I gave up nuts and tomatoes about two weeks ago, so really it's the seeds, peppers, seasonings, and eggs.  Oh, homemade mayonnaise...I hate to see you go.  It was nice knowing you this last month. Oh, and I have to be better about logging food.  Because, really, with this brain fog, how is a girl supposed to keep track of it all?  Finally finished my last batch of pork sausage seasoned with fennel, and all pumpkin pie spiced things will reluctantly be tucked back onto the shelf.  Day 2.1 starts today.



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Good on you for assessing yourself and deciding that you need to keep going. Sorry that you are having to cut out further things that you like...but if you feel better at the end of it, it'll all be worth it!


As far as keeping your love of homemade mayo alive, maybe this Egg Free version from Mel Joulwan will do the trick? (sorry, I'm not sure about the AIP so if there are other ingredients in this mayo that aren't compliant, sorry!)



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Thanks, LadyShanny:) I've tried that one (LOVE Mel's blog).  Unfortunately, because of the flax seeds, it's not a part of the AIP.  I've searched out some avocado based mixes and hope to put one together today.


Today's food:

Meal 1- Ground pork/beef liver combo, steamed broccoli, spoonful of garlic lemon coconut butter

Meal 2-Bacon wrapped chicken thigh, roasted zucchini, small baked sweet potatoe, spoonful of garlic lemon coconut butter

Meal 3- Anticipate crab and spinach/kale/chard salad made with new avocado dressing, possibly leftover mashed yuca


Ok, so I was all into trying out beef liver the other day (Yay, organ meat).  Spent 3 hours in the kitchen figuring out a recipe, sauteed a large batch with an onion mushroom reduction sauce, totally gagged when I tried it because of the texture (also, couldn't stop staring at the hepatic vein portal hole that was present in the liver), decided to puree it in my food processor with a pound of ground pork and a whole butt-load of AIP-approved italian sausage seasoning mix that I had put together, re-sauteed the mix, and VOILA, totally edible. 

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Sunday was my first experience doing a social event while on AIP-brunch with family at someone else's house. Best part about it was being successful in planning, preparing, taking, sharing, and eating my own food choices. I made a 9x13 of beef/kale/apple/squash fall hash, a coconut butter garlic lime dressing, and brought a few La Croix for something fancy to drink. The downsides- I was tired from not sleeping well the night before, stressed out trying to fix food while getting my family ready for church, and ended up spending most of the afternoon, evening, and today in the bathroom with massive diarrhea bouts. It's a rather disappointing result. Everything was AIP- approved, but I'm beginning to wonder if I have a sensitivity to beef. Will keep an eye out for that. Also, have decided to start a digestive enzyme and cod liver oil to hopefully help with these digestive issues.

Today my mood is ultra blah. Food is blah. Exercise is blah. Nothing sounds enticing. Forced myself to eat to the meal plan for meals one and two (ground pork and liver, broccoli, coconut oil and bacon wrapped chicken thigh, sweet potatoe, cabbage, and AIP mayo respectively) but ended up just tossing some things in the blender tonight (gelatin, banana, coconut milk, greens) because I couldn't stomach any of the other leftovers I have on hand. I put a pork roast in the crockpot to slow cook for several hours. I really enjoyed this recipe from The Clothes Make The Girl blog the last time I did it, so here's to a hopefully better time of it tomorrow.

p.s.- I miss eggs. More than tomatoes. Which kind of surprises me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!! (Ok, really, who says ARGH when they yell? But it feels much better than a pansy AAAH!)


I'm inside a full body hose net and fighting to get out.  I want to punch things.  Lots of things.  And maybe kick whatever it is once it's down.  And now I want to laugh maniacally....and then hit something again.  I MISS CREAMY THINGS I MISS SPICY SEASONING I MISS CONDIMENTS GOD GIVE ME CONDIMENTS AND PLEASE OH PLEASE WHAT ABOUT GRABBING AN EASY MEAL WITHOUT HAVING TO THINK THROUGH EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF IT 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I guess this is the Kill All Things stage.  Never had this with last month's Whole30.  14 days into AIP is a real pisser, yo.  My husband and I are in a "research war" right now about saturated fats and the benefits of grass fed meats.  I haven't been out to eat in a few MONTHS because #1 I'm saving money to go towards my weakly spiced grass fed organic no soy free range local hand-chopped homemade over my caveman fire meals and #2 because what's the fun in just ordering plain spinach and herbal tea? Trying to get in 3 servings of fish a week is a big laugh....I can barely stomach the smell much less force myself to swallow it (thank you pregnancy hormones for ruining my love of that pink wonder called salmon).  Made some new recipes for gelatin gummy snacks for a Halloween "treat" (a little honey, fruit juice, lemon juice, and gelatin) and ended up suffering headaches and ringing in my ears for 3 days after.  So, yeah, sugar is off the list (again).  I added a new meditation app to the phone, and keep falling asleep to it rather than connecting with my zen.  Had to put gym membership on hold (see above "money going to food" reason), and am kind of floundering regaining a home routine. The sun is going away...it's getting dark around 4:30pm here and that cuts out my post-nap strolls with my toddler.  I'm bummed that all my reading into AIP indicates that it can take effing YEARS to feel better.   I can't seem to make myself get on here to journal except when my feelings of isolation make me send my moaning and groaning out into the e-verse.  Wow.  Negative Nancy is really taking over.


In order to keep myself going full on Godzilla and crushing all the little people in my path, I've decided to try a new project.  Learning about and making kefir and yoghurt seems like it'll keep my mind busy while adding back some extra bacteria buddy creaminess to the diet (looked into home fermentation, and it's still a little daunting to do that yet).  Ordered some pretty fluffy looking kefir grains late last night off of Amazon (as well as 2 cases of coconut milk, The Paleo Approach book, and a silicone sieve....late night shopping is a bummer on the budget!).  


Somebody please give me a pat on the butt.  

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Carrye!  Just catching your post today but wanted to touch base.  


#1- You have a great sense of humor :)  I was feeling your frustration and cracking up at the same time as I read your posts.

#2- More serious . . . I have a friend who I coached through Whole30. Afterwards she, like you, switched to AIP because her Psoriasis was not improving.  After removing red meat from her diet her Psoriasis literally cleared up very quickly.  It was amazing. Maybe you should test your hunch, if you haven't already and try cutting red meat for a week or two.


Hope this encourages you!

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