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Questions about AIP

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Hi there.  I have done a Whole 30 and feel like I know all the rules well and I didn't have trouble sticking to them.  I am a week into the AIP and I have some questions I have been unable to find answers to online.  It seems there are a few different versions of AIP so I'm not sure which is the "right" one.


-Can I have balsamic vinegar?  If so, which brands?

-Can I take a probiotic that has maltodextrin as an ingredient?  If not, can you recommend an AIP friendly one?  I could only find this one or others with trace amounts of soy or diary.

-Can I take my fermented cod liver oil which has stevia in it? 

-Honey in tea for a sore throat?  I know honey and maple syrup are off limits on Whole 30, but most of the AIP versions I have seen allow very tiny occasional amounts.  I'm not trying to sweeten anything, but I didn't know if honey for a sore throat and cough would be okay or if it would mess things up?

-Is there a recommended limit of only 20g of fructose per day?

-Can I make kombucha using sugar?

-Will I have results if I don't eat organ meats?


Has anyone successfully healed/improved their Hashimoto's with AIP?  If so, I'd love to hear from you.


Thanks for your help!

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