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Television While Eating


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Day 3 and the hardest thing has been eating without watching T.V. My boyfriend and I recently moved in with a friend of his and we don't have a kitchen table. There's a big, comfy couch in the living room with a coffee table, but in our own room we don't even have a desk. I'm used to watching something on the T.V. or my computer or even reading. Also, I usually end up eating by myself, I think this would work better if I had someone to talk to; however, my boyfriend and our roommate are often at work or away. I'd like to focus on the delicious meal I've prepared, but all I want to do is have some form of entertainment while eating. Any suggestions?

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I homeschool my kids,so am around them all day. No adult conversation till my husband gets home from work-or I get home from taking the girls to gymnastics-around 8:30 pm. I really enjoy this forum, and have found it to be a nice break for me during some part of the day. If I get up early enough, and the kids are all still sleeping, I usually make my awesome breakfast and read this forum while I eat. I actually eat a lot more slowly than when I eat with the kids. If breakfast was more hectic, I get the kids busy later on and sometimes have lunch by myself,once again, reading here or a book-or a crossword puzzle,one of my favorite things to do. I know we need to be mindful of what we eat- but I do eat more slowly when I relax and read. I probably rush with the kids because I know we have to clean up :) I almost feel like the meal is my grown up time for the day. weird, I know, but I really am more relaxed and mindful that way.

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I often read the forum and Whole9 blogs or articles at breakfast. It slows me down a bit because it's usually when I update my food logs. I start my post with breakfast and then later edit it to include the rest of the day's meals. I try to do it when others (kids) are not at the table. It's my quiet time. :)

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