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Scared to start


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Ordinarily I'm a proponent of seizing the moment, taking action now, etc, but given the trepidation you've had so far and the holiday season being upon us, I would suggest waiting.

The holidays can be stressful enough on their own. Having to maintain vigilant food awareness across the variety of family and work functions this time of year might be an additional stressor that you are not ready to deal with.

I think it would be better to be able to commit fully and truly *know* that you will be successful because you simply will NOT allow yourself to stray from the course, than to feel that you "should" go for it and then cut it short and feel guilty and repeat the cycle.

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I was a little nervous at first. Reading the book definitely helped. But I am a planner, so for me, I could not start until I had a meal plan. I went through and made a plan for all three meals for the first seven days. I also made an accoompanying grocery list. After I planned out my meals and SAW what it was going to look like, it became much more manageable. If you haven't made a meal plan, maybe that will help push you to a start date. It did for me! Good luck!

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