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Amy's Whole30 - Here gooooooooooes!


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Day 28

Definitely getting lazy with my food prep, but ended up making good choices today. I'm looking forward to vacation in 5 days, but I'm also really worried about completely derailing. At first I thought it would be a great way to celebrate finishing the Whole30, but I didn't expect to do as well as I have the entire month, so we'll see. When I get back I'll probably do a Whole7 or something to get back on track :)

breakfast - 2 sausage patties, half avocado, pineapple (my favorite breakfast, especially when I need a break from eggs!)

lunch - beef taco salad (lettuce, beef, salsa, wholly guac, tomatoes) Had nothing planned, but fortunately had enough to throw together. Grapes

dinner - 2 turkey burgers (hungry!) cumin roasted carrots

No exercise today, but I have been painting and cleaning all day, so I feel good. I have a lot to do before vacation, so I need to make sure to still get my workouts in. I'm in the 4th week of my Chalean Extreme DVDs and I've started them twice and never made it through week 3! Can't stop now!


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Day 29!

Weirdly, today I was really tempted to cheat. Instead of feeling like I'm almost there and can tough it out, I started to feel like I'm basically done, so why not ease up a little? But I stuck to it an made good choices.

breakfast - sausage, half avocado

lunch - went out for lunch. Did not want to eat the lunch I brought. Went to a local Greek restaurant and had gyro Greek salad with vinegar and oil. Had them leave off the feta, and picked the croutons off. I have a little fear there may have been sugar in the gyro, not because I tasted it but because I've read so much on the forums about sugar being in meats. Later, I read on Mark's Daily Apple that when eating out, lamb is a good choice because it's usually grass fed. Also had unsweetened ice tea which is new for me

dinner - planned on spaghetti squash, but it had gone bad :( Instead improvised and had bacon and eggs with pineapple and kombucha

exercise - had a lot of errands after work and did NOT want to work out, but vacation is coming up, so I'll have my break then. 30 minutes elliptical and Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit DVD

Tomorrow is it! I am going to do it! Then 2 days to reintroduce dairy before vacation where I will reintroduce . . . ALCOHOL! haha :P

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DAY 30!!!

I think I stated this before, but when I started this, I honestly didn't think I would make it the 30 days without cheating. My goal was that if I cheated, I would just pick up and continue and do my best. I really did not think I would be sitting here today, finished for the day, without cheating once.

All day I've had Dora the Explorer's "We did it! We did it!" song in my head.

Tomorrow I'll do a more thorough post somewhere on this forum on the whole thing and what I did right/wrong/would do differently. And I only have a few days to reintroduce dairy before I go on vacation, so I think I'll keep this thread going for that. Then maybe keep using it for about a week after vacation when I work on staying compliant for a week or so to undo vacation damage!

Today was actually a little difficult. I started my cycle and wanted chocolate all day. The cafeteria had bacon cheeseburgers and I wanted one so bad, and am very grateful to my coworker for not getting it so as to not torture me. So a little irritable and crampy today, but I will be fine tomorrow.

breakfast - sausage, half avocado

lunch - turkey burger, mayo, cumin roasted carrots, grapes

dinner - taco salad (lettuce, ground beef, salsa, wholly guac, onion, tomatoes), citrus kombucha

Tomorrow I'm going to start with reintroducing dairy. Even though I didn't miss it and plan on staying away from it unless it's in something I eat out at a restaraunt, I want to see what affect it has on me. So cottage cheese with my bunless roasted red pepper hamburger at one of my favorite lunch spots!

And another highlight - today at work, while I was sitting down even, someone from another department said :You've lost weight, haven't you? I just turned to my coworker who knows I've been doing this and started clapping! :D

I'm very grateful to everyone in these forums! Reading others' stories and sharing recipes and information and people just throwing out positive support made this so much easier than without.

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Day 31 (reintroduction)

I only have these 2 days till I go to Mexico, so I am reintroducing dairy these days instead of doing the whole reintroduction in ISWF.

breakfast - sausage, eggs, a few pineapple chunks. Felt weird to be on my first day post-Whole30 and start it the exact same! haha

lunch - went to one of my fave lunch places, so my coworker was happy we could go out to eat again. I had chicken cordon bleu (no bun), cottage cheese and unsweetened tea (which i NEVER would have drank 32 days ago!) Cottage cheese is one of my favorite foods. But it just wasn't that great. I think I'm going to go from eating dairy daily to only rarely. The chicken cordon bleu had a honey mustard, some type of cheese and HAM which I haven't had in over a month. I could taste the sugar through the whole thing!

dinner - carry out italian salad from my fave italian restarant. Lots of cured meats, some cheese, and ranch that I assume had buttermilk in it.

"snack" (more like something I just nibbled on cause I saw it! haha) - coconut energy bars from nutsonline. Basically coconut, dried fruit and cocoa squares. I'm going to take these and cashews and grapes for breakfast on my vacation travel morning! I had been really worried about what I was going to do for that.

Well, I think I can definitely feel something going on in my tummy right now. It's not horrible, but it's nothing I've had the last 30 days. I"m going to eat more dairy tomorrow and see if it continues. Oh, I also had one fry off my coworker's plate at lunch! haha. It was good :)

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