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Amy's Whole30 - Here gooooooooooes!


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Day 1

I'm so glad I found this journal forum on my first day! I wanted to keep a journal of these 30 days, but I didn't want to do all that writing :)

I have pretty much all of the food i need to get me started. I can't find coconut aminos, but that's not terrible. I have It Starts With Food, Well Fed, and I signed up for the daily emails. I've done a lot of food prep and think I have done everything I can for this first week!

I wanted to work out today, but one thing at a time. I will shoot for tomorrow morning. This evening I had to go to the store one more time and I really wanted to get a lot of food ready so I don't have any excuses this week!

breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs in ghee with tomatoes and spinach

lunch - spring mix salad with chicken and oil and vinegar

almonds a few times a day

after work - STARVING - organic albacore tuna and homemade mayo

dinner - iceburg lettuce, ground sirloin, tomatoes, salsa and wholly guacamole

after dinner - frozen banana and canned coconut milk

I can't believe I spent $3.50 per can of tuna tonight!

Tomorrow planning on working out and trying not to snack in between meals.

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Day 2

I really did feel hung over this morning. Then I got my email of the day and saw that that's normal, so I must be doing something right!

Still a little hungry throughout the day. I finished the last of my bananas and coconut milk. I think that's too sweet for me to try to get rid of cravings, but I wanted to use my bananas before they went bad!

Waiting on US Wellness Meats to get sugar free bacon back in stock :)

I think if I can make it through the first week, the rest will be easier and I'll get to a point where I've come to far to stop!

breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs in ghee with tomatoes and spinach

lunch - best chicken and green beans, grapes

almonds a few times a day

after work - (pretty hungry) - frozen banana and canned coconut milk

dinner - ground sirloin, tomatoes, salsa and wholly guacamole. salad with spring mix, tomatoes and homemade ranch from Well Fed

I got some club soda and added lime juice and it's no diet Mountain Dew, but it helped! The carbonated water was a nice kick I was missing.

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Day 3

Very, very sleepy today. Slight headache this morning. But not the worst day ever. I was still a little hungry at times, but not as bad as the last few days.

Walked outside to the farther away cafeteria at work, so I got about a mile walk in and some sunshine!

Did the elliptical for 30 minutes this evening. I think I really needed that. I'll take advantage of hearing it's ok to sleep and rest and take naps while I'm getting over sugar and caffeine!

breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs in ghee with tomatoes, spinach, red pepper and onion

lunch - spring mix salad with raspberries, walnuts and oil and pomengranate vinegar (very good!). Best chicken from Well Fed

almonds a few times a day, but only 3 at a time

dinner - ground sirloin patty with homemade mayo, asparagus. spring mix salad, tomatoes, whole avocado and homemade ranch (Well Fed)

I was really craving something sweet last night and I'm not even usually a sweets person. Hopefully, that won't be the case tonight. But I've already checked the day off as successful on my daily email, so I can't cheat now! haha

(Oh, and I did weigh myself this morning -_- )

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Day 4

I was scared about Day 4 with everything I've read, but I've felt pretty good all day! Not boundless energy by any means, but not nearly as sleepy as the last few days. I also wasn't as hungry throughout the day and only had 3 almonds as a 'snack' after lunch. Which I blame on not getting to eat my grapes because they were moldy :( I also couldn't eat both of my sausage patties this morning!

Also did the elliptical for 20 minutes. Next week I want to really pick up on my workouts.

breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs in ghee with tomatoes and spinach, one sausage patty (organic ground pork and sausage spince mix from Well Fed cookbook. REALLY good!)

lunch - Barbq pork chop (Well Fed recipe) and asparagus, a few almonds

dinner - spring mix salad with raspberries, walnuts and oil and pomengranate vinegar. Best chicken from Well Fed. Green beans.

I can't believe how well I'm sleeping through the night! I don't wake up once. Usually, I wake up at 2:30-3 and can be up for anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour and a half. It's not easy to wake up in the morning, but hopefully that will come next week maybe.

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Day 5

I'm really feeling pretty good! Still not tons of energy, but not sleepy or cranky. I did have my first dream last night! I dreamt I was at a wedding and I thought I was drinking club soda and lime but it was too sweet and I realized it was champagne. I was so upset in the dream than I was going to have to start over for a sip of something I didn't even want! haha

No working out today. Will do the elliptical in the morning.

breakfast - sausage (ground pork and seasoning from Well Fed), 2 scrambled eggs in ghee with tomatoes and spinach

snack - 3 almonds

lunch - ground sirloin pattie, asparagus, strawberries

dinner - Wild Planet tuna, homemade mayo, avocado, salad with spring mix, raspberries, walnuts, oil and pomengranate vinegar

The strawberries I had with lunch tasted SO sweet, I had to keep checking to make sure they didn't have any added sugar. They were from the cafeteria at work, but they were just a cup of strawberries. A few just tasted coated in sugar!

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Hi Amy,

I had a salad last night with a bit of pear and pumpkin in it and it also tasted like it was coated in sugar, so sweet. I thought for a second that some dressing must have been sneaked in but I know it wasn't because i saw the salad being made.

Maybe you become a bit more attuned to the sweetness after removing all processed sugars from your diet.

Good luck with the rest of your 30 days


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Day 6

I"m almost one week down!

I had to take my scale to work yesterday and leave it there so I wouldn't weigh myself. I really wanted to this morning! My jeans were starting to feel loose yesterday and I really wanted to see the number on the scale. And there are no worries that I'll weigh myself at work, fully dressed, in the middle of the day! haha

Feeling pretty good. Not really that tired/sleepy throughout the day. The Pelligrino and lime juice is saving my life to substitute for diet Mountain Dew. I think just having something cold and carbonated is giving me the fix I need :)

breakfast - 2 sausage patties (ground pork w/sausage seasoning from Well Fed), half avocado, pineapple chunks. Needed a break from eggs! Ate outside and watched the cats play in the grass. Getting better at not eating in front of the TV

lunch - spaghetti squash with homemade spaghetti sauce (well...homemade from Muir organic tomato sauce), ground beef. This was SOOOO good! Where has spaghetti squash been all my life? I will be eating this a LOT more.

dinner - salad with ranch dressing (from Well Fed w homemade mayo), lettuce, tomatoes, egg. Sirloin steak pan fried in ghee. Sweet potato. Awesome dinner! And I still have half the steak left for maybe breakfast soon

Exercise: 30 minutes on elliptical

I really wish I could weigh myself though and see how this is working ^_^

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There's your answer :)

Ok, so true! haha

Derval - I was looking through some posts on exercise yesterday and saw you were going to start the ChaLEAN Extreme DVD's. Did you? How did you do with them? I have them too, but after a week or two, I get off track and have to start over. I was going to restart this week, but didn't realize how sluggish I would be in the beginning of the first week. I'm restarting them tomorrow.

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Day 7

I finished my first week! When I started this, I told myself that I expected myself to slip up or cheat, but that my goal was to just keep going and not derail. But after reading It Starts With Food, Well Fed, getting the emails and following these forums, I can't imagine allowing myself to cheat. I hope I can keep it up! I haven't had a lot of social situations to tempt me, so we'll see how the next three weeks go.

breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs in ghee with tomatoes and spinach, one sausage patty (organic ground pork and sausage spice mix from Well Fed cookbook)

snack - tablespoon of coconut butter. Was feeling pretty hungry

lunch - Best chicken from Well Fed. Green beans. Ate outside with some flowers on the table that I bought yesterday and watched the cats play in the yard :)

dinner - Barbq pork chop (Well Fed recipe) spring mix salad with raspberries, walnuts and oil and pomengranate vinegar.

Tomorrow I'm picking back up on my ChaLEAN Extreme DVD's.

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Day 8

Glad to be in my second week! I've had a few cravings all day, though. I want a beer. And a donut. I don't even usually eat donuts. Then I saw a Hardee's commercial for a cheeseburger topped with pulled pork and onion straws! It looked sooooo good!

Anyway, I have been good all day :)

breakfast - egg/sausage/sweet potato casserole

lunch - Spaghetti squash, homemade spaghetti sauce and ground beef. Grapes

snack - hard boiled egg. I really needed something since I was going longer than usual between meals, so I opted for something with fat and protein

dinner - Sirloin steak, salad with walnuts, raspberries and pomengranate vinegarette. Cumin roasted baby carrots from Well Fed (Finally! Carrots I actually like! I was so pleasantly surprised and will definitely be making these again)

Going to go tomorrow without any nuts. I think I've been using them a bit much.

I overslept and then got home late, so no workout today. Tomorrow it is!

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Day 9

Had a few cravings today. Wanted pizza and diet Mountain Dew. Feeling a little bored with my food choices, but I have to finish all of this stuff I cooked up before I make new stuff. I did make it out to Whole Foods today, so I felt a little reinvigorated after that.

Tried some kombucha for the first time. I was a little scared after reading about it, but I got the lavendar and it was really good! Nice change up from water. I also bought a case of Pelligrino, so I'm set on that with lime juice.

breakfast - 2 fried eggs in ghee and one sausage patty (organic ground pork and sausage spice mix from Well Fed cookbook)

lunch - Best chicken from Well Fed. Cumin roasted carrots. A little avocado.

snack - strawberries

dinner - Barbq pork chop (Well Fed recipe) and asparagus. Tbsp coconut butter

Exercise - 30 minutes elliptical and ChaLean Burn Circuit 1

No nuts today. Proud of myself for that. Felt pretty hungry throughout the day a lot, though, and especially with working out, not sure I ate enough. Not hungry at the moment, so we'll see how I feel later. May need to have bigger breakfasts.

Tomorrow I hit double digits for the days!

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Hey Amy!

I'm new and just reading up on everyone's Whole30 experiences (my second attempt starts tomorrow!) and I like how you've outlined your moods and feelings in the morning when you first wake up. I got up to day 9 of my first Whole30 (and stupidly cheated myself on my birthday, but back into it 100% from tomorrow!) and felt kinda awful for the first couple of days and then it evened out and I was the happiest I've been in ages!

Pellegrino and lime is my absolute favourite, and just enough to keep away the need for a soda (sugarfree or otherwise).

Keep up the great work!


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Day 10

I have been SOOOO sleepy today! I think it may be because I didn't have a lot of calories yesterday and I jumped right into working out. I came home from work and went straight to bed for an hour. If I hadn't set the alarm, I might've slept longer. But I got up, had a quick pre-workout snack, worked out, and plan on going to be plenty early tonight. Trying to listen to my body.

breakfast - breakfast casserole (sweet potato, sausage, egg, veggies), avocado. I ate a bigger lunch and added more fat and it really helped. I didn't eat any nuts again today and even though my lunch ended up being an hour later than usual, I was just fine.

lunch - Best chicken from Well Fed, asparagus, grapes. The scratch truck came for lunch today and I went with a coworker while she got an awesome looking cheeseburger and fries that smelled SO good, but then I ate my own lunch. I couldn't imagine throwing away 10 days for a fry, but I really wanted to grab one.

snack - some banana with coconut milk

dinner - butternut squash, ground beef, homemade spaghetti sauce. Tried to eat the fat before working out for the snack, then protein and carbs for dinner within 30 minutes after. I read that in another thread today.

Exercise - 30 minutes elliptical and ChaLean Burn Circuit 2

I am adding cardio to the Chalean! Really hoping to use this 30 days to get leaner.

Craving a little sugar now, though. Nothing too bad, though. But some milk chocolates sure would hit the spot right now!

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Day 11

I had my first "challenge" today. I brought a salad for my lunch, but left my dressing at home! I could have gotten just oil and vinegar from the cafeteria, but it didn't really go with the salad I made as much as the homemade ranch would have. So I ended up with a naked burrito from the cafeteria. Steak (because I keep reading how hard it is to find chicken without sugar) Iceburg lettuce. Pico de gallo, guacamole and salsa verde. I think they were all good choices. Felt weird not having any sour cream or cheese though.

Still not feeling the 'magic'. Hopefully in the next few days. Not real sleepy though.

Stomach was a little upset, but that may be because the steak meat was the first non-organic meat I've had in a week and a half. And I don't know if it was cooked in a seed oil.

breakfast - breakfast casserole (sweet potato, sausage, egg, veggies), avocado.

lunch - naked steak burrito from cafeteria, Pure Leaf Tea, grapes

snack - few bites banana with coconut milk, few cashews and almost a tbsp coconut butter pre-workout

dinner - butternut squash, ground beef, homemade spaghetti sauce.

Exercise - ChaLean Burn Intervals

Looking forward to hitting the halfway mark!!

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That breakfast casserole on day 10 sounds AMAZING. I might have to steal that one! Did you find the recipe somewhere or just improvise?

Well done making the good naked burrito decision. I think provided you eat clean as often as you do, the occasional non-organic meat shouldn't really matter to you. You made the best decision in those circumstances. Also, the mention of home made ranch made me almost drool into my coffee, I'm thinking I'll have to make some of that for myself soon! Nom nom nom.

Hope your stomach feels better soon and that the magic appears for you.


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