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First Whole 30 - anxiety/realistic expectations

Lyra Belacqua

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I’m getting ready to start my first Whole 30 on January 2, and I’m experiencing some anxiety about the process. Last night I couldn’t sleep because I was so worried about it (which I realize sounds ridiculous).


I am worried that I won’t be successful. I have some terrible eating habits and am most definitely addicted to sugar and caffeine. I don’t eat nearly enough veggies, fruit, or protein. I am hoping the Whole 30 will change these things so I can live a healthier lifestyle. This was my initial motivation to commit to the Whole 30.


Then I started reading Whole 30 reviews and testimonials. They were wonderful and motivating to read – but I have to admit that they planted ideas in my head regarding weight loss.


I initially lost about 25 lbs four years ago. Right now, I am 5’3.5” and 155 lbs. I’m a long distance runner and have felt held back by my weight for a long time. I’ve seriously struggled to get under the 150 lb mark – it hasn’t happened yet, I'm sure due to my poor eating habits.


As mentioned earlier – weight loss was NOT the motivating factor for me to commit to the Whole 30 - I’m fully aware of my lousy eating habits and want to change them for good. I understand that Whole 30 is not a weight loss program.


I know that this will be challenging. I expect it. I’m ready for it. But I am worried that I won’t experience the weight loss that other overweight Whole 30-ers have seen, and that’ll defeat me. I’ve struggled with my weight for so long – the idea that this could help me become a healthier person overall AND lose some weight is exciting to think about. But the fear of disappointment if I don’t succeed, if I don’t get through all 30 days, if I don’t lose weight, is stressing me out.


Sorry for the long post and my apologies if this type of post isn’t allowed. I just needed a place to vent about my fears.

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This type of post most certainly IS allowed!  And you are certainly not alone in your worries or fears.  The trick is to identify measures of success that having nothing to do with the scale.  Running further, faster, more efficiently.  Improved health, better eating habits, improved sleep.


Weight is only one factor in health and it's not even the most telling one, just the one that we (especially women) are barraged with as the primary measure of love, acceptance, value and virtue.  So what if you don't lose weight?  What if your jeans fit better and your skin glows and your hair and nails are super strong and you have energy all day long and at night you sleep restfully?  If the scale doesn't move, is that all for naught?


The measurements that you gave are quite impossible to tell, but it is also possible that the weight you perceive that you should shed is weight that is actually supposed to be on your body? Sometimes our visual and mental impression of the size we should be does not at all match up with what our physiology is calling for.  Within the framework of a Whole30, you'll learn to eat nutritious and satisfying foods in a quantity that is just right for your body. You'll eat when you're hungry and your body will find its way to where it is most comfortable and that might mean that the scale number doesn't move.


I wish you the best of luck, please make sure to keep us posted as you go.  And?  Throw that scale at the wall until it's unrecognizable, you are a human, not cattle, you don't need to be weighed.  ;)

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I arrived at Whole30 from a diet of barbecue chips and Starbucks mochas. So I understand! The great thing about coming from a rather, um, interesting way of eating is that you will see improvements pretty quickly. And as long as you keep in mind that we really don't want you going hungry, you should be able to handle the cravings. For me, the novelty of eating, say, spinach, on a regular basis (and fat! eating fat! FAT!!!) made it all pretty interesting.


There are things that Whole30 won't fix in 30 days or longer, and for some people weight is one of them. For me it's blood pressure. I don't know why, my doctor doesn't know why, nobody knows why, my blood pressure stays so ridiculous no matter what we attempt. All of my blood work shows that I'm ridiculously healthy, and yet my blood pressure is obnoxious and persistently high.


That's all to say that there will be things that respond very well and very quickly as you start your Whole30; and there will be things that make you wonder what the heck your body is thinking, holding on to this or that unhealthy symptom when you've cleaned up Your Entire Life.


But - the truth is, it really DOES start with food. Fix that and then you can attack whatever remains. But it starts with food.


So eat up, enjoy your Whole30, and hang out here for support, tips, and celebration. We'll be here.

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Welcome! Be gentle with yourself. If you end up eating a lb of nuts don't say"I failed I might as well eat chocolate cake" first of all you haven't failed you just didn't make the best choice for that meal, try to make the next meal whole30 compliant and keep going. Focus on all the amazing food that you can eat like meatloaf, roast chicken, hamburgers, ribs, roasted veggies, cauliflower rice, sweet potato hash, salads. Don't focus on the things you can't have like twinkles and donuts. Who wants that crap anyway? If you need to start over don't beat yourself up. Remember this is the first day of the rest of your life, you have lots of time to change. You might want to read this awesome post for some inspiration about weight and the scale. http://everydaypaleo.com/attention-scale-addicts-part-2/ Good luck!

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Girl I am the same way. It is so hard for me to lose weight even when I eat clean and exercise regularly! It is frustrating, but I have come to terms that I must just be at my weight. I also am a runner/crossfitter, so I know that a lot of the pounds are muscle. I am sure you are the same way! I will be starting my first Whole30 on January 5th, BUT I have done 30 day paleo challenges at my gym and by week 3 my energy levels are up, my pants are looser, my stomach looks more toned, and I just feel better. Even though my weight stays about the same, I can tell I am losing junk because everything just fits better! 


Don't get discouraged by the scale. There are so many ways to gauge your progress.


Also, the nerves thing is totally normal. But really you are just eating meat, veggies, and other real whole/real foods. It is so much easier than following some crazy made up diet plan! Week 1 is hard, week 2 is still hard but by week 3 I think you will be feeling pretty great! Good luck!!!

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Just want to say thank you all for your kind responses. I appreciate it more than you know.


Last night I decided to "experiment" and made a Whole 30 compliant dinner - sweet potato, broccoli, and chicken seasoned with garlic salt. I don't plan to start until January 2, but knowing that I can cook a Whole 30 compliant meal and fill myself with it made me feel a lot better and lessened my anxiety. Honestly, I'm not much of a cook, so my meals will probably be repetitive and not so exciting.

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I know what it feels like to be nervous during your first whole 30...it is crazy to think about social events, as well as the pressure to lose weight, but you have to focus on non-scale victories...they are so MUCH MORE important. 


FYI - make sure your garlic salt does not have added sugar in it. I learned the hard way with that one...



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I know what it feels like to be nervous during your first whole 30...it is crazy to think about social events, as well as the pressure to lose weight, but you have to focus on non-scale victories...they are so MUCH MORE important. 


FYI - make sure your garlic salt does not have added sugar in it. I learned the hard way with that one...



I did check first - thank you though :)

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I can absolutely relate with the anxiety of a first Whole30. I am what 4 days from starting mine & I still can't meal plan. Ugh. I think it's totally normal to feel anxious about anything life changing. I'm glad you're feeling better about it. I'm not much of a cook either, but at least I won't starve. Good luck to you during your Whole30.

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Thank you for sharing! I'm encouraged that others are feeling anxious and I'm not alone in that. I do want to lose weight too, but am hoping to feel healthier with less body aches and pains! I'm 56 years young and want my body to be at its optimal best! I'm doing it afraid! Love the support! Thanks for sharing everyone. :)

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