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aha's Whole30


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I've eaten Paleo-ish for the past year (with 1.5 Whole30s in there), but have really struggled to eat clean, real food for the past almost 2 months now. It's never been a struggle to this extent, so I'm turning to the forums for support and accountability.


I want to get back on track because I feel terrible, and I know food is impacting my feelings. Honestly, I feel like a little kid having a temper tantrum: my biggest barrier at the moment is that I'm tired of cooking and preparing healthy food! It's cyclical too: I feel crappy, so have less energy to want to put toward cooking; I eat less real food, so feel worse. 


Yesterday was supposed to be Day 1 for me again, but I ended up making a quesadilla for dinner rather than cooking real food (the day started out well though!). 


So, today is a new day 1! 

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Have you tried to simplify by cooking bigger quantities for more than one meal, and either freeze it or eat the same stuff for several meals in a row? Or always have the same food for meal 1. Cook enough for lunch so you can eat leftovers for dinner or vice versa.

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