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Brilliant first two days - no slip ups, not too bad on nibbles between meals - just a bit of fruit here and there. No alcohol (yay!), a couple of bike rides and I'm on my way.


Vege/chicken stir fry for dinner with coconut aminos, approved fish sauce and lots of chilli. Bring it!!

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Day 3 and the worst thing is no milk in my tea first thing in the morning! Can't be that bad... :)


Big shop at the local markets yesterday, lots of greens, salad stuff (it's super hot here at the moment so cooking lots of vegies other than stir frys is probably out of the quesiton), berries, organic chicken, beef. The stir fry last night was deliciious. My fat of choice, coconut oil, adds a wonderful flavour to everything it touches.


Next steps: up my workouts - swimming, cycling mainly. Going back to work after the holidays will be a challenge but I have most things ready foodwise. I don't have any snacks yet - want to keep away from nuts (coz I'm a guts) and too much dried fruit. Will scour the forums for good ideas.


Took my measurements not quite on day 1 - 110.2 kgs and 114cm around the waist. Won't look at those now until W30 finishes.

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Day 4.

Feeling fresh, less bloated, lighter & brighter. Yesterday's food was delicious including dinner of spice rubbed flathead pan fried in coconut oil with baked kale and potato. This morning I had the leftovers of the fish before a bike ride, and then a cook up of ghee, garlic, 2 x toms, mushrooms, a handful of the baked kale, parsley & 2 x eggs.

No slip ups, feeling strong :)

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Day 5. Feel like I've lost 10 kilos! Made stuffed capsicums (peppers) last night for dins - mix of cauliflower rice and savoury mince (garlic, onion, fresh chilli, thyme, oregano, beef mince, 2 x roma tomatoes, a few mushrooms, tom paste, s&p). Still have a couple of halves left over for today. Followed it up with a couple of dates and a handfull of blueberries.


Going through what feels like an enourmous amount of water each day. My coffee intake has gone up but I'm trying to moderate that.


Had a pretty big headache last night which was stress related. Gone this morning. Practising my breathing exercises.

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Day 6: 20% of the way there. That sounds like not much but already I feel I have come so far. Simple dinner last night - grilled chicken breasts brushed with coconut oil, a couple of small potatoes, plus a big salad. Lunch yesterday was out at a pub - good sized steak, bit of salad, no alchohol. This morning is a delicious leftover mixup of chicken breasts, 2 x eggs, spinich, kale, fish sauce, garam masala, chilli powder, s&p.


The food is starting to feel like fuel which is fantastic.


Haven't slipped once, keeping my water intake up, riding my bike every day.


Body observations - not bloated, no indigestion, sleeping more solidly and consistently, losing fat around my gut and kidneys (but still a long way to go), more mentally alert.

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Day 7 - milestone day! Creating great food is awesome eh! This morning I've gone for a flavour combo of half a leftover chicken breast, couple of handfuls of pumpkin cooked quickly in the microwave, cocunut oil, english spinach, 2xeggs and a good handful of spinich plus paprika, a little chilli powder, s&p.


Yeah man!


Last night was pork plus roasted sweet potato and zucchini. Simple stuff but good. Couple of dates later in the night.Lunch yesterday was a half of the stuffed capsicum from the other day plus a big salad. Ate a plum as a snack in the morning.


Did have a lightheaded moment yesterday afternoon - had a couple of spoonfulls of leftover mince when I got home and that seemed to help.


30 laps in the pool this morning.

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Day 8 - upset tummy yesterday which I suspect was from the green mango salad I made the night before. Not as good as green paw paw salad so I will leave that alone in the future.


Thai beef salad for dinner, some blueberries & watermelon as a treat.


This morning I did 30 k's on my bike and knocked up a fry up for breakfast:


Half a leftover cooked chicken breast, chopped
1/4 Spanish onion, chopped
1 x tomato diced
chilli flakes
handful of english spinach, chopped
2 x eggs
paprika (or any other spice mix)
handful of parsley (or any other green fresh herb)
coconut oil

Fry your onion until soft, then throw in the tomato, chilli flakes & paprika, cook until soft, drop in the chicken, give it a minute or so, add s&p, crack the eggs in the middle, cook on a medium heat, when nearly cooked put in the spinach, leave for a minute, turn off the heat, throw in the parsley, give it a bit of stir and away you go!

Meanwhile, my body feels like it's falling apart - in a good way! :) Abdominal fat is reducing quickly, body shape is changing.

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Day 9 - situation normal (which is fantastic!) Food - tick. Excercise - tick. Getting support on these forums - tick! :)


I have to head out to a friend's birthday dinner tonight which is going to be tough. Turkish restarant which means the only things I will be able to eat are the chicken skewers, lamb cutlets and salad. Oh and water :)

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Day 10 - another milestone day, a third of the way there.

Last night's restaurant dinner was surprisingly easy. Took the advice on the W30 site and forums - checked out the menu online beforehand and knew exactly what I was doing. Grilled chicken skewers for entree and a grilled seafood salad with dressing on the side for main. Fuel me up Scotty!!

Big bike ride yesterday with pre and post workout mini meals.

My complexion has improved significantly and my eyes are whiter and shiny. Lovin life like this!

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Day 11 - Have some serious stress going on in my life at the same time as doing W30 but I feel W30 is actually helping rather than hindering. My mental wellbeing is definitely being helped by my nutrition.


Physical activity has seriously stepped up too - swam 50 laps of a 50m pool yesterday, albeit with hand paddles and flippers. Time for a rest day today.


Food wise, it's nothing much different. Grilled chicken & vegies for dinner, salad & protein for lunch, fry up for breakfast. A little bit of fruit here and there. I had what felt like a pig out yesterday afternoon - 2xdates, 2xfigs.


Definitely losing weight, definitely losing cms off my waist. It will be fascinating to see just how much on day 31.

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Day 12 - gobbling up my greens, pork, chicken. Not getting a huge amount of variety - probably should up my starchy vegies a bit. Mind you the lack of variety feels vaguely comforting in some way.


Another solid ride on the bike this morning - it's a cracking time of year to be out. Mid summer yet it's not too hot (yet).


Had a couple of positive body image comments from people at work yesterday. Always helps to get positive feedback from people who aren't in your inner personal circle.


Have checked out meditation and yoga and will look to start that soon.

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Day 13 - the day before 2 celebratory days (2 weeks and half way :D )


Smooth baby. I'm finding that regardless of other difficulties and circumstances, I'm cracking on with my W30. It's becoming fundamental, and while I don't want to look ahead too far, I really hope I can keep rolling past 30 days.


The weekend will be a challenge - travelling, so will need to work out some strategies and do some prep.


Cooked a delicious mexican chilli last night with avocado and roasted sweet potato. Plenty of leftovers to carry me through. There's a bunch of kale I need to roast and plenty of asian greens to attack.

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Did I miss Day 14? A day of celebration? How could I!!! Oh well how sad too bad :) ........


DAY 15 !! Woohoo!! Celebration Day Part II. W30.halfway and feel better than I have in a couple of years. Really committed to not yo-yoing (a pattern I've developed over the past 10 years), and extending W30 out as purely as a I can post-day 30. I won't be completely W30 but I want any change to the program to be minor and temporary. Feeling this good is addictive!


Didn't quite get my prep right yesterday due to work - dinner was cold leftovers, tomato and cucumber, a couple of dates and blueberries. Still compliant but a bit dull. Anyways.... travelling for the weekend tonight which should be interesting, need to grab a few supplies to take with me. I suspect it's going to be a weekend of barbequed meat and salad, and eggs. And cans of tuna :)

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Cool Lily - thank you. Yeah saw that people take George Foreman grills - that's pretty funny but what a great idea! I'll be staying with people so I reckon the basics you mention should be good and then I'll feed up on salad/vegies.

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Days 16-17 - travel.


Pretty pleased with how it turned out - took some emergency rations which came in handy (sardines, bananas) and managed to find food that was W30 - vietnamese beef salad (dressing on the side), calamari, fish, chicken...


Still feeling great - energy levels are considerably greater than pre-W30. Had a very late night last night yet today I've been on the go all day and I'm still feeling good. The other great thing about last night was that I was drinking mineral water all night and didn't once think "oh it would be great to have a (alcoholic) drink".


Definitely feeling like I'm on the downhill side of the program - it has been so successful that it's time to start actively investigating and planning what a post-W30 lifestyle might look like.

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Day 18 - fry up this morning from last night's roast. Yumbo!


Feeling the body shape continues to change. Mental alertness/calmness is excellent. Looking forward to a big hit of exercise in the next 24 hours - have missed out over the last 3 days.

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Day 19 - there's something to be said for the Tiger analogy :)


A bit more protein than usual yesterday, still no slip ups although a few things cross my mind from time to time. The good thing is that they are only fleeting impulses not raging cravings. The work/life pressure doesn't let up but W30 is helping me to keep motoring along.


The other thing I've noticed is the reduction in inflammation. Not just bloating, but my hands are less inflamed. I have a touch of rheumatoid arthritis (my mum was a chronic sufferer) and my knuckles have lost a lot of their redness and my hands are less puffy. It's a great feeling.

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Day 20 - no real changes. Ticking over, not enough exercise for one reason or another but I'll get there. Work stress had me thinking about drinking last night so I solved it with pan-fried chicken breast with eshallots, chilli and garlic, and crispy baked kale. No starchy vegies but I ate enough of the kale to fuel me for 4 days :)

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Day 21

Difficult day yesterday - cravings in the late afternoon and evening. Finally demolished them with a good dinner and relaxation. Not much sleep last night however the energy levels have been sustained across the day supplemented with a banana this afternoon. Too much coffee today - need to attempt to moderate tomorrow.

Only 9 days to go - pretty sure I'm headed for a "Wholexx (where xx = something greater than 30)"

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