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Breastfeeding a toddler and Whole30

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Hi. I'm new here and on day 6 (almost 7!) of my first Whole30. I'm 34 years old and have 3 kids (8, 5 and 18 months). My 18 month old is still nursing. About 2x a day (when he wakes up in the AM and before bed). About once a week, he'll nurse before his nap and about 2x a month, he wakes up at night and I nurse him (because its the quickest way to get him back to sleep). I've read some on how Whole30 impacts nursing and from what I can see, the biggest issue is supply so thats why extra snacks/starchy veggies are encouraged. I'm not really too concerned about my supply since he's 18 months and I'd be happy with him weaning anytime now ;) Will I probably see a drop in what supply I do have with this? So far, he seems happy and content. He did nurse one extra time today but that was because he woke up after only napping for 20 mins (which is odd for him). Anyway, just curious if there's anyone here nursing a toddler during a whole30 and if you saw a drop in your supply or needed to do anything different. Thanks!



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One of the reasons people often lose weight on W30, especially at first, is because by cutting out grains and processed food you are cutting out a lot of carbs and sodium. These both contribute to water retention, and so you lose a lot of water weight in the first week or so. And continuing without grains, legumes, etc, if one doesn't replace those carb calories with equivalent carb calories through sweet potatoes or whatever, you will remain in a state of "less retained water".
Now, I'm just a dude who's never been married or had kids, and I'm not a scientist and I have no idea of the metabolic process that creates breast milk, *but* I'm thinking if there's less water in your body in general, your body is going to have less water available to create additional fluids.
This is part of why additional hydration is important when eating like this --- you keep your body topped off with water because it's not holding as much water "intra-cellularly" (I think a carb gram holds like 3g of water?).

ANYway, all that being said, keep your carbs and water up.  B)

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Megan, there are other T1's who've posted on the site.   Search through google and you'll find their posts.  I could pull them up for you but your situation is unique.   Stay encouraged.   I wish you and your littles well.


Kirkor....The Dude Abides. 

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My daughter is 27 months, and she is asking to nurse more on the weekends when I am home.  I am on Day 7.  But, I am also 31 weeks pregnant so it's hard to tell if she's nursing more because of the impending new arrival or if she is nursing for more milk.  She has always been a big nurser, but I did see a supply drop in the Whole 30s I did when she was younger (at 12 months and 16 months) so I imagine there may be a decrease. 

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I'm on Day 11 and I nurse my 20 month old. He doesn't seem to be nursing differently than usual. I haven't noticed anything I'd consider to be a dip in supply. I eat a little more than my hunger dictates and try to diligently down plenty of water to keep things going. If anything, my diet is full of healthier calories than before, so that's beneficial.

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I am also nursing my 25 months baby on weekends. But the problem which I am facing is that I am getting hungry more often than I used too initially apart from this I am also having problem with my menstrual cycle. I am having bad menstral cramps and  heavy bleeding for which I am making use of menstrual cup. Still I am very much worried about my menstrual pain and weight gain.

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