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intimate changes during W30


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Hi all,


I'm on Day 5 and doing well, aside from a day of nausea and some "carb flu" fatigue. There is one area where I have seen some pretty drastic change but haven't seen any other posts about it and wanted to know if I was alone here-- oddly enough (maybe from all the good fats and efforts and hydrating?) I have had a marked improvement/increase in lubrication. I'm in my mid-30s so not at all menopausal (and am not pregnant) so I guess I am attributing the change to Whole30. I'm on the pill so had figured my hormones to be pretty stable, but I see others have had some weird stuff happen despite being on hormonal contraception, too. Has anyone else had this happen? Mostly I have seen posts about decrease in libido during this first week.



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Hey Romy!  Brave post!  I experienced far less dryness post Whole30 and my secretions have "normalized" based on how they are supposed to be at certain times of the month. 


It's completely possible that the increase in fat and hydration has helped but I would think your guess of the normalizing of hormones has more to do with it.  Perhaps because of your BC pill, your hormones were in balance enough for your menstrual cycle but that your base level of hormones that the pill builds on were wacky?  The hormones in the BC pill are static so they build on what you already have (or don't have) so you would experience some level of regulation I would think.

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Well, that would be something to look forward to for me. I'm perimenopausal (42), on hormonal BC for my PCOS, and have just accepted that this is the way things are. Never occurred to me that it could be a hormonal issue that might improve.


I'm on day 8. We shall see.

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what is the water based product please? I need it :)


I am very very fond of Liquid Silk. You can buy it from a number of online retailers and reputable adult toystores. Glycerin-free, water-based, no taste, slightly thicker than average so it doesn't run all over the place, won't stain your sheets. And the pump bottle is a must - why do these things come in anything that's not a pump bottle?




BUT, it does have parabens. I have tried many many replacements and can't find anything that really works as well - the others just dry out too fast. The closest I've come to one that I'll use is Sinclair Select Organic. It's okay - it's also thicker, water-based, glycerin-free and has no discernible taste. But it dries out too quickly, I think.




I hope this helps.

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I actually came to this forum looking for answer about why I may be noticing a decrease in lubrication. Glad to know some are experiencing the opposite! :) We rarely need to use products but have found (now on day 5) that we need some extra help.  I've also noticed a significant decrease in my desire/drive since starting Whole 30.  I feel great otherwise but I wonder if the new stress (though not bad stress) of pre-planning, more involved cooking, fatigue, etc may be impacting this part of my life as well.  Any thoughts?

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I actually came to this forum looking for answer about why I may be noticing a decrease in lubrication. Glad to know some are experiencing the opposite! :) We rarely need to use products but have found (now on day 5) that we need some extra help.  I've also noticed a significant decrease in my desire/drive since starting Whole 30.  I feel great otherwise but I wonder if the new stress (though not bad stress) of pre-planning, more involved cooking, fatigue, etc may be impacting this part of my life as well.  Any thoughts?


Totally could be the change in your intake that is causing it.  How many starchy veggies are you eating? How's your hydration? Your sleep? Other stress?


Hormones tend to rebalance during Whole30, especially in the first couple of weeks.  Give it time and if you want to, post a few days of your consumption including portion size, fluids, sleep, stress and activity and we can see if anything stands out.

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