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Brain Fog? Spacey? Normal for Day 12


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I'm on my first Whole30 and am doing well so far. Breakfasts, lunches, and dinners are comprised of grass fed protein, fat (ghee, coconut oil), and diverse veg (some potatoes too). No desserts  or SWYPO (not a huge craving at the moment anyways!). Fruit tends to be berries, apples, or bananas. Drinks are white tea and water (and one cup of black organic, fair trade coffee in a.m.).


I'm on Day 19 of my menstrual cycle - am 38 years old - and Day 12 of Whole30. Over the last week or so, I've been having some major spaciness (sp?), brain fog, some lower energy levels, etc. Some trouble finding the right word to use (but remember it like a minute later)... just like "out of it."


In the past, I have had issues with anxiety, hormonal migraines, previous DX of candida (supposedly resolved), adrenal fatigue, endometriosis...etc. 


My diet was fairly clean before I started Whole30. Outside of some grain here or there (not really a bread person), black beans or chickpeas, and some organic cheese...as well as some use of raw honey, maple syrup, or coconut sugar.


I ate kind of naughty at Christmas with family gatherings...but - as a whole - all of this was not enough to get me any sort of detox symptoms like some have when they first start Whole 30 in the first few days.


SO...my question, I guess (see...brain fog!)...is this normal for Day 12 to have??? It seemed like when I read the timeline of what to expect, I should *not* be feeling this right now...spaciness, feeling like my head is in a cloud (like a typical candida symptom)..etc.


Thanks in advance! :)

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Everyone has their own internal time line.  Meaning - the timeline is there for a guide only.  On my first whole 30 I noticed that I was 10 days behind the timeline. I adjusted for that by adding on days at the end.


There is a possibility that you might not be getting enough starchy veg (I know you mentioned potatoes) but try to have a minimum of one starchy veg a day.


Also how's your water intake? - you should be consuming half your body weight in ounces a day.


Lastly - salt.  Your body does need salt.  When we cut out certain foods (cheese, processed foods) we drastically lower our salt intake.  So do make sure your food does get salted.  I know from personal experience my blood pressure drops and I get spacey and dizzy when I don't consume enough salt.

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Carlaccini, thanks for your prompt response!


Which are best the starchy vegs to eat? I just came home from Trader Joes with organic russets, sweet potatoes...  I also like beets (is that a starchy veg?)....I like carrots...I like squashes... cauliflower?  Would those be starchy? Sorry if it's obvious...total brain fog! LOL ;)  Can you give me some quick ideas of good starchy vegs? Or are those it? (there's really no veg I don't like)


Yes, my blood pressure has gone down (last avg. of 3 readings I took the other night was 123/87. Before Whole30, it was in the 140s / 150s!)... and I *am* salting my food as I cook (not really an "after-salter" unless it's hard-boiled eggs or fresh tomatoes)...but I *definitely* can be drinking more water... so that is something I need to do more of! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am finishing Day 13, and I have been exhausted!  I felt like I got hit by a train on Friday morning, slept 13 hours yesterday, and am feeling a little better today.  

I think my body is totally detoxing right now because I had a bad diet before I started.  However, did you see the FB post about the tiger blood ... and how a lot of people don't get that in their first Whole 30?  I am thinking that this will be the case for me.  i felt great the first few days, but my energy has taken a downward spiral.  


I am changing up my recipes this week, so maybe that will help.  I think it's all a process.  

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