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Be the Change!!! - My W30 - Start August 25, 2012


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Yummmmmmm. Don't suppose you feel like posting some of those meals to Australia for me? I really cant be bothered cooking today! Ha ha.

That is a huge bummer about the gym class - hopefully they listen to all the complaints that come in and decide to do something about it! Is it a big, chain gym or a smaller one? I'd think that the smaller ones would be more likely to do something about it than the chains.

I like your theory with smoking, too. Although I'm quite confident that when 70 rolls around you won't feel so inclined to take it back up! At least your kids will be all grown and won't be able to pick it up as a habit then. But you will have been breathing so well for so many years that you'll probably stamp out your smoke halfway through! Smoking has been the hardest thing for me to quit with the Whole30. I still have super huge cravings, ESPECIALLY when I finish a gym workout. I don't know if that's a weird time to get them?

Have fun at the markets today!

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Day 8

Today felt a bit like I was on a diet. I was hungry and felt a little contained (restricted) in my eating. No real cravings but just felt limited. I know I chose these limits and I am OK with that but I just felt it today.

Market early this AM was good. Pasture fed meat/eggs, organic veggies and some fruit. I ended up going by myself and the trip was very quick.

We did our planned shopping for the kids and the start of school later in the afternoon.

Dinner tonight was a treat with lamb chops on the BBQ.

Meals Today:

M1 - Fried eggs (3) with carrots (2), hot sauce, apple and coffee

M2 - Pork chops (2), beets, tea

M3 - Stack - Pistachio nuts

M4 - Lamb chops (3 small), One sausage (chirizo) and salad with balsamic / EVOO

M5 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

Calories were 2209, Carbs were 85G, Fat was 145G and Protein 149G.



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Day 9

Well the progress keeps marching on. Day 9 and it is hard to believe. The changes to my life have been different than expected. I was already eating Paleo (some days Paleo light) when I started W30. I was not sure how much of the energy or sleep changes would occur with me but I am open and committed to this experiment. I am sleeping pretty well but I cannot say that it has been too different than before. My energy is good and I have no complaints but again I cannot say this is Outstanding compared to pre-W30. Don't get me wrong... I don't expect miracles in 9 day (or even 30 days) and I am very grateful for the process and the changes (surprising as they are) to my life. I am happy to wait to see what else occurs.

So what changes have I found. I am surprised how very much I am "into" this challenge. I try to figure out something each day I can do to keep it interesting, experience something new and embrace this change. I have already reported about beets, new meals and changes in routine. Today, I made Paleo Meatloaf (I loved it, Michelle liked it, the kids were not huge fans), a W30 Fritata and the vinaigrette dressing from ISWF. Three new recipes in one day... Light speed baby!

The meatloaf was a double of the recipe so I have lots of leftovers for lunch this week. I made it with pasture fed ground beef and almond meal / flour as a binder. Pretty tasty. The fritata was made today but I have not yet had any. It has zucchini, onions, peppers and W30 compliant sausage in it (with 9 eggs). I made it for breakfast this week.

The dressing was made because I have had at least one salad every day since starting (and before too) with every dressing being Balsamic and EVOO (or EV avocado oil). The vinaigrette is sitting in the fridge and I will have it on salad tomorrow. I felt like a little extra tonight so I had some strawberries and raspberries after dinner.

Of note today was that my 7 year old daughter (Faith) came out to shop with me today and we had a good time. Some junk for the kids (and maybe Mom) but I am OK with that and no cravings at all right now. Plus Tuesday is start of school so convenience items are helpful for lunches.

I cooked a lot today but had my lightest eating day yet (only 1592 calories) and I felt a little hungry today (hence the bigger dinner).

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs with peppers, onion and zucchini

M2 - Leftover chicken with crushed tomato sauce, carrots

M3 - Meatloaf (2 servings), big salad with balsamic / EVOO, strawberry and raspberries

M4 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

Calories were 1594, carbs were 66G, Fat was 103G, and Protein was 110G.

I did not workout today as Sundays are my normal rest day.



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Day 10 (1/3 of the way)

Today was an "easy" day... I got 7 hours sleep, I did my workout, I had my meals pre-cooked (egg/sausage fritata; Paleo meatloaf; fancy vinaigrette dressing from ISWF); we went swimming at a pool; I made a good but simple dinner, the kids are in bed for school tomorrow; lunches are made!

Workout was P90X Chest and Back... Essentially, lots of push-ups, followed by pull-ups - repeat!

After swimming, we went to the ice cream store for the kids (and Michelle). It did not phase me. I got them all settled and then went to get a coffee at Starbucks. Came back and had my daughter on my lap while she ate here ice cream and still no cravings. Not to bad!

I felt I ate pretty good today but I was way low on carbs.

Meals Today:

M1 - Egg/sausage/veggie fritata, 1/2 a peach, tea

M2 - Meatloaf (2 servings), green salad with ISWF Fancy vinaigrette dressing, apple, almonds

M3 - Wild Salmon (pan seared in clarified butter), steamed broccoli, big salad with ISWF dressing

I ate 1988 Calories today with 79G of Carbs, 126G of fat and 138G of protein.



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Yes... Life is great!!! The photo thing does require another site to host your photos. I have another "health" website that I use to post my photo and then copy the "embed" text and paste it after you click on "image" above. You do need another host site. A google search provides a number of options including freepicturehosting.com and photobucket.com. Check them out of you wish.

Can't say I am a good cooking (do dishes too) teacher as I just kind of picked it up.

Day 11

Back at work today and had a pretty good day. Did a killer workout this AM being Insanity Max Interval Plyo. It was tough but good at the same time. Glad when it was over!!!

Generally a good day. The fritata was good again for breakfast and leftover meatloaf for lunch. Very nice treat tonight as my wife started dinner before I got home. Pork tenderloin and sweet potato. I just had to make a salad and boom... dinner was ready. She was afraid of using or adding something that would void my challenge. We went over it and things were all good.

Kids had a good day too with the first day of school and all today. New situations and kid interactions are always a little unknown but they both had good days and seemed happy with day 1.

Off to bed soon but ready for another day. I am off on Friday so this week is a super short week!!!

Meals Today:

M1 - Egg/sausage/veggie fritata, salsa, banana, tea

M2 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

M3 - Meatloaf (2 servings), green salad with balsamic / EV avocado oil, apple

M4 - Wild Salmon (pan seared in clarified butter), steamed broccoli, big salad with ISWF dressing

M5 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

I ate 2270 Calories today with 129G of Carbs, 144G of fat and 133G of protein.



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Day 12

All in all, not too bad of a day. I was up late last night and decided to sleep in a bit and miss my workout this AM. I had hoped to get it in tonight but I did not have the spring in my step necessary after finishing dinner, cleaning up the kitchen and making lunches. Even with the extra sleep, I only got just over 5 hours.

The morning went well. I have to admit that I kind of miss biking into work. It is more effort by something about getting myself off to work under my own effort (beyond pushing the gas pedal) is empowering.

I had a bit of a mind-numbing day at work with 4.5 hours of teleconference today plus a training session on how to properly set out cones and stop at the side of the road for work purposes. Important but not a big grey matter user.

Breakfast was the Fritata, lunch was meatloaf leftovers with salad, Dinner was crock pot roast beef and beets. Again, felt I wanted / needed a little something so I had some pistachios after dinner.

I got my 3 T-shirts from Nom Nom Paleo today:


I also got my online health food order today being:

  • Organic Ghee (that I did not have to clarify myself)
  • Coconut Aminos (2 bottles); and
  • Organic Balsamic (with no added sulfites)

Motoring along with not too much extra effort. Today's meatloaf for lunch was the last of it. I have leftover roast beef and a salad with chicken planned for lunch.

Meals Today:

M1 - Egg/sausage/veggie fritata, ketchup, black coffee

M2 - Meatloaf (2 servings), green salad with balsamic / EV avocado oil, apple

M3 - Roast Beef, Boiled Beets with EVOO/garlic, mixed veggies

M4 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

I ate 1995 Calories today with 101G of Carbs, 125G of fat and 133G of protein.



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Day 13

Just moving down the W30 Highway. Felt good today. I ate on plan, I had a super intense lunchtime workout, I found time to relax tonight and I am off work tomorrow!!! I wore one of my new shirts to work today too. The Feast Mode shirt with "Nom Nom Paleo" on it. A little casual for work... but it worked out well.

Today was the last of the egg and sausage fritata I made on Sunday. Being off tomorrow, I can easily take a few extra minutes to make from scratch an egg and veggie meal. Lunch was huge but this was planned because today was the last day of my beloved athletic training - or so I thought. The canceled my favorite class at my gym (which was included with our membership) and they are replacing it with a Boot Camp product that you have to pay for (on top of my membership fee) to participate in. It is $200 for 12 sessions (or 6 weeks at 2 per week). Ouch. No thanks.

The real kicker was my old instructor for athletic training showed up and was setting up when the gym lead for trainers showed up and said "we are not doing that and we are doing a demo of circuit training. She was literally standing in the corner of the room while the "head" trainer ran the show. It reminded me of "Dirty Dancing" when Patrick Swayze comes into the final scene and says "nobody puts Baby in the corner". I felt so bad for Kyla. She is tough (doing Wales Ironman in less than 2 weeks) but nobody should be treated like that.

The Boot Camp demo was a good workout but not worth the extra out of pocket money. It is a shame but no sense dwelling on it!

Lunch was some leftover roast beef and beets, a large salad with smoked chicken and prosciutto, balsamic and EV avocado oil, plus an apple.

Dinner was a pasture fed blade stake on the BBQ, steamed broccoli and carrots, plus the last of the beets from yesterday.

All in all, we had a good evening.

Meals Today:

M1 - Egg/sausage/veggie fritata, ketchup, black coffee

M2 - Snack - Almonds, natural

M3 - Roast beef leftovers, leftover beets, green salad with balsamic / EV avocado oil, smoked chicken and prosciutto, apple

M4 - Steak, Boiled Beets with EVOO/garlic, steamed broccoli and carrots, coffee and mineral water

I ate 1985 calories today with 96G of Carbs, 103G of fat and 169G of protein.



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Day 14

Well today was my worst day from many respects. Even still... It was a good day just the worst of the good days.

I was pretty active today: I did my Insanity workout at lunch; I was up and down the ladder fixing my eaves-trough; I was doing some renovations on the bathroom; and today was garbage day (aka, cleanup the house day). All tolled, I was just shy of 10,000 steps, I exceeded my goals for vigorous and moderate exercise (tracked all day by my BodyMedia monitor).

It should be noted... I was off work today.

I ate breakfast as usual and did my workout around Noon. After cooling down and a shower, I was getting ready to go out (to pick up stuff for the work on the house) and realized, I did not eat. I had to get going (had some stops) to do what I needed to do and still pick up my wife from work and my kids from school. I did a W30'ish fast food. Due to my timing, I broke the spirit of the table and present eating rule. I put some cooked leftover pork tenderloin (cubed) and some baby carrots in a bowl and left in the car, eating while driving and doing my errands. Not ideal but not eating would be a worse issue, so I made the best of a poorly timed situation. Both ingredients were 100% W30.

Dinner was picked up during my errands. I got stuff for a chicken stir-fry and hot-dog buns for the kids.

I made the kids hot-dogs and did some work on the eaves. Later, I made stir-fry for Michelle and I. It was my first meal using my new Coconut Aminos in a staring role. The meal was pretty good but not very big (chicken, veggies, spices and aminos). Part way through, my son came over and asked what we were having. He asked if he could grab a bowl and we gave him some of ours. After dinner, he said to me (he is 9), "Dad, that was the best stir-fry I have ever had and I even drank the sauce". He asked me to please make it again and make more next time. Michelle agreed.

Later tonight I was hungry (not surprising) so I had some almonds and an apple. I know an apple is not the best evening option but being Friday, options were a little slim and I did need something more than the almonds. Without it, I was (according to BodyMedia) at a calorie deficit of almost 3000 calories (burned about 4,300 today and consumed about 1310.

On a personal note, I am very happy to hit the two week mark. I am trying new foods, eating fairly diverse veggie options and, as far as I can tell, my nutrition has been 100% W30. Life is good.

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3) with peppers and salsa, plums (2) and coffee

M2 - Pork Tenderloin, mini carrots and coffee

M3 - Chicken Stir-Fry

M4 - Snack - Almonds and an organic apple (from farmers market)

Calories were 1310, with Carbs of 63G, Fat of 78G and protein of 84G.

Off to be and a planned early AM kick butt workout followed by my weekly trip to the farmers market.



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Day 15

I decided to go to the gym down by our farmers market today for a workout - my athletic training on Saturday at 8:30 AM and it is a full 1 hour of super high intensity cardio. I think I overheated. By the end my leg (heck my whole body) was achy and lacking in gusto. I was wiped!!!

Found a restaurant and grabbed three poached eggs and a fruit cup. Did my shopping at the market (crazy winds and rain) and got back home. Picked up some organic and no sugar added sausage for dinner from the downtown health food store.

I ate much more today. I needed more after yesterday's lack of eating and I supplemented with lots of nuts today.

It took until 3 PM until I was feeling better (post workout). I actually commented to my wife that I "may have broke me" but I am OK. Tomorrow is a rest or no workout day. I think I need it!!!!

I am off to bed soon.

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3) with salsa, and water

M2 - Post-workout - Poached eggs (3) and fruit cup

M3 - Salad with Prosciutto, almonds and a coffee

M4 - Snack - Natural Almonds and Pistachio nuts

M5 - Organic Pork Sausage (3), homemade sweet potato fries (baked with olive oil), green salad with ISWF Vinaigrette dressing

M6 - Snack - Almonds

Calories were 2764, with Carbs of 125G, Fat of 188G and protein of 150G.

Keep doing the program and good things will happen! Sustained energy is today's gratitude point!!!



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Day 16

A good Sunday. I had a rest day from working out and needed it. I felt a little tired today but I did get caught up a bit on my sleep last night with 7:50 in sleep last night.

I did some shopping today for some needed groceries and spent time with the family!

Eating was on plan and no issues today!

Meals Today:

M1 - Boiled eggs (3), prosciutto, sliced veggies and salsa

M2 - Missed Lunch

M3 - Snack - Green grapes, black coffee

M4 - Angus beef 100% burgers (2), homemade sweet potato fries (baked with olive oil), green salad with EVOO/balsamic

M6 - Snack - Green grapes, Almonds

Calories were 1731, with Carbs of 97G, Fat of 104G and protein of 103G.



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Excellent job! it's great to read a log from a guy and know there are other guys doing the W30 program. I respect everyone who has the courage to even attempt W30 and I have been inspired by ALL of the female W30ers, but the male perspective is good for my fragile male ego. Keep up the great work. I'm on day 10 and the W30 forum has been a great tool to help me stay on track.

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Day 17

Today was an exceptional day. I had good energy, did a good workout, ate good food (100% on plan) and I am happy with today's outcome.

I had eggs with veggies, an apple and coffee for breakfast; a few almonds before my workout; some tuna salad (paleo mayo), a big green salad and some grapes for lunch; and paleo meatloaf (homemade tonight) for dinner with a salad. The meatloaf was made with 2 lbs of pasture-fed ground beef that I picked up at our farmers market this weekend (and almond flour as a binder with eggs).

I did a pretty intense BodyPump workout today at lunch at our gym and felt pretty strong / energetic.

I had a minor downer because Nom Nom Paleo was screened out today by our "Appropriate work filter" at work. No more recipe reviews at work I guess!!!

I am pretty tired now but all, in all, a pretty darn good W30 day!!!

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3) with peppers and onion, salsa, apple and coffee

M2 - Snack - natural almonds

M3 - Tuna salad with paleo mayo, big salad with EV avocado oil & balsamic, grapes (20) and coffee

M4 - Big salad with EVOO/balsamic, homemade paleo meatloaf (with lots of leftovers)

M5 - Snack - pistachio nuts

Calories were 2041, with Carbs of 106G, Fat of 130 G and protein of 121 G.



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Day 18

Today I took off work because there was a leak in the bathroom from the shower and I had to re-install the shower plumbing. I ate on plan, did my "to do" list, worked out (Insanity - Max Interval Plyo) and made a basic but good dinner.

Nice to get the shower fixed. I installed it a while ago but there was a leak. I tore it apart today and re-installed the fixtures. Next time - mental note - double check the fixtures before finishing the tub/shower enclosure. Done right now!

The workout is a killer. You know you are working out hard when the shoes start to squeak from all the sweat on the floor. Always feels good to get it done thought!

Happy with the food today. I know about getting stuck in a rut but I could eat Paleo Meatloaf every day for lunch!

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3) with peppers and onion, salsa and coffee

M2 - homemade paleo meatloaf, big salad with EV avocado oil & balsamic and coffee

M3 - Snack - Natural Almonds

M4 - Pasture fed Pork Chops, big salad with EVOO/balsamic

M5 - Snack - Natural almonds and Green Grapes (20)

Calories were 1788, with carbs of 56G, fat of 124G and protein of 113G.



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Day 19

A good day. This is the first week with my gym canceling my favorite class so today, I went to the workout room and did the exercises by myself (no group and no trainer). What a workout. I was pooped. Today was a run of the mill W30 day. I had no negatives, only positives. Anyone who complains about the cost of this program needs to evaluate the savings generated by not having any lunches out. I have made every lunch since I started and no eating out has been easier on the wallet!

Ate on plan today and I tried a new recipe being talapia fish fried with an egg wash and coconut flour coating. Not too bad but the taste of coconut was "different". Both my wife and I liked it but agreed that it was different!

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3) with peppers and onion, salsa and coffee

M2 - Snack - Natural Almonds

M3 - Homemade paleo meatloaf, big salad with EV avocado oil & balsamic and coffee

M4 - Talapia fish with Egg/Coconut flour in Clarified butter, boiled beets with EVOO, salad greens with EVOO/balsamic

M5 - Snack - Natural almonds and Green Grapes (20)

Calories were 2078, with carbs of 82G, fat of 146G and protein of 115G.



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Day 20 (2/3 of the way)

Today was another pretty good day. I woke up (after 6:38 (Hr:Min) in sleep) a little late for an AM workout. I got ready for work and off we went. I had a quick breakfast of 3 scrambled eggs with salsa. I am trying to have more real veggies but sometimes, you do what you gotta do!

I was hungry before lunch and going to the gym for a workout first. Sometimes, you have to gut it out. I was pretty happy with my effort in the "boot camp" and it did seem a little easier today!

Lunch was leftover Tilapia from yesterday and a big salad with cooked beets.

A coworker is very close to her due date and we had a little baby shower celebration at work for her. Three different people baked treats but I had no issue with "no thanks" and did not really want any of it anyways. My neigbour at work is doing a 21 day challenge similar to W30 (slightly different) so there were two of us that simply smiled and passed on the treats.

Dinner was leftovers (pork chop and salad) because we were going out to Costco for a shopping trip after dinner. Not too exciting but it is something we all do and it gets us out of the house. My son had a sundae but again no issues!

Like I said... a pretty good day and I ate 100% on plan, got in a good workout and feel pretty good. I am getting compliments (have been re-focused on weight loss now for two months) and I am interested to see how much I have lost come September 24th, 2012.

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3), salsa and coffee

M2 - Snack - Apple

M3 - Fried Tilapia with Egg/Coconut flour in Clarified butter, big salad with EV avocado oil & balsamic, boiled beets

M4 - Pork Chop from BBQ, salad greens with EVOO/balsamic, apple

M5 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

Calories were 1931, with carbs of 98G, fat of 117G and protein of 131G.



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Day 21

Well today was different. I did not want to wake up today to do my workout. I got up and was off to work as normal with scrambled eggs with veggies and an apple.

I was hungry today so I had some almonds and an apple for a snack this AM. I left the office to come home and do my workout I missed at lunch, I got changed, went downstairs, turned on the Insanity DVD and 30 seconds into the video hit stop and got changed... I just had no interest in doing my workout today. As normal, when I miss my workout, I was dragging my butt around this afternoon.

My BodyMedia unit (like bodybug) keeps track of a bunch of things including sleep, calories burned, calories consumed (based on data entry each day) and steps. Today was the least amount of calories burned since I started the program. I burned 2741 calories and I ate 2564 calories. This leave me with only a deficit of 178 calories (my target is 1000 calorie deficit each day).

I was hungry in the afternoon, hungry in the evening too! I ate the most I have in a while today (2564 is a lot for me) and I did the least activity (only 14 minutes). Not a good combination! All the food was W30 compliant but I too much with too little movement!

I will do better tomorrow. I am off to the farmers market and will get in an Insanity routine!

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3), veggies, salsa and coffee

M2 - Snack - Apple, natural almonds

M3 - Paleo meatloaf, pork chop, big salad with EV avocado oil & balsamic

M4 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

M5 - Organic Chorizo sausage (3), mustard, salad greens with EVOO/balsamic

M6 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

Calories were 2564, with carbs of 113G, fat of 168G and protein of 165G.

Hungry and tired is not the best combination for the afternoon and I had a double serving of protein this afternoon.



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Day 22

Well this will be short and sweet (OK, maybe not sweet). I decided to organize my clothes tonight and started too late. It is now past 4 AM and I am done for the night (morning) but it is good to get it close to done. Ordered 60 Lbs of mixed (pasture fed / free roaming for the chicken) meat today from the butcher in town that sells local, pasture fed meat. It should be ready on Monday. It has a mixture of beef (ground chuck (10 Lbs), steaks (10) and roast (10)), pork (chops (10) and roast (10)) and chicken (10 lbs).

In my morning travels today, I even went to the bakery to get treats and other items for the rest of the family (nothing for me though).

I ate well but light today. Not intentionally, but light none the less (1549 calories). I am OK with this though.

I had a good mid-day workout that always makes me feel better!

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3), veggies, salsa and coffee

M2 - Organic Chorizo Sausage (2), big salad with EVOO & balsamic

M3 - Stir fry (chicken) with lots of veggies

M4 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

Calories were 1549, with carbs of 56G, fat of 100G and protein of 107G.



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Day 23

A good family day. I did not have a planned workout today but we did go on a walk and visited a local park with the kids. Eating was on plan but I almost had a slip up. I have a salsa I like 100% organic and W30 compliant. I went to get some at the display (was running low) and got the 100% Natural one and not 100% organic. The Natural one has corn starch and cane sugar. I opened it at home and was about to add it to my eggs when I noticed it looked and smelled different.

I checked the label and sure enough... it was the wrong one. I was that close!!!

One more week and I will be on day 30!!!

Meals Today:

M1 - Scrambled eggs (3), veggies, ketchup, apple and coffee

M2 - Snack/lunch - Natural almonds and a banana

M3 - Beef, peppers and onion with oil/spices, Big salad with balsamic / EVOO

M4 - Snack - Pistachio nuts

Calories were 1790, with carbs of 111G, fat of 111G and protein of 94G.



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