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I'm 28 years old, have always been active and have eaten "well" for most of my life, and for the last 3 years mostly paleo with some brief interludes of carbo-loading. I was diagnosed in my early 20s with hashimoto's thyroiditis and PCOS, though for some reason I haven't had the tell-tale PCOS symptom of being overweight -- just on the heavier side of healthy most of the time, and it takes enormous effort/discipline to lose weight at all. After several inexplicable months of diarrhea, I was finally diagnosed with Collageous Colitis a couple of years ago (a form of irritable bowel disease that is auto-immune related, although there's not a lot of research on this particular subtype yet). I was on a steroid for a while but got off of it about a year ago, as I don't have to "go" multiple times a day, just once, though the consistency of my (sorry y'all) poop is very soft, but not straight diarrhea usually.


I'm on day 24 of my first whole 30 and have enjoyed the experiment for the most part. Though my clothes are definitely fitting looser and for the most part I've come to manage hunger (maybe I should call that cravings) and anxiety far better than I was before I began, the symptoms from colitis have not improved a bit. I'm imagining I should be avoiding nuts, eggs and nightshades entirely for this reason, but I've felt so limited anyway it is hard to wrap my mind around taking these things out completely. Anyone else out there have similar diagnoses and the same/different results? Any input is appreciated, even if it's telling me to get over it and do the AIP.



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Hi Reluctant 30 -


I logged on today with the intention of declaring myself healed of a 30 year bout of colitis when I saw your post. I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis when I was 18 and I'm about to turn 48. I just started my fifth Whole30 and the results have been a miracle for me. So far, I eat quite simply and I very much eat plenty of eggs and cashew nut-butter (as my snack just about daily). I do avoid the nightshades, mainly because that was something I had never tried before in my 30 year attempt to beat the disease and it was also recommended in a book called Meals that Heal Inflammation by Julie Daniluk. I don't miss them at all, although sometimes I wouldn't mind a baked potato ;0) I think one of the key factors for me has been almost total elimination of sugar of any kind. The only fruit I have is 3 dates in an avocado smoothie I make 3-5 days/week. My bm's are just about normal now - 1-2 times per day (down from 8-15 before starting). My suggestion to you is to experiment before doing the AIP. I was determined NOT to do the AIP because I had done so many restricted diets in my life that left me feeling intense deprivation. I was over diets that left that feeling. With the Whole30 I am quite satisfied - mentally and physically - with the food I eat and I am just starting to think about getting a bit more adventurous with things like the Moroccan Dipping Sauce and Sunshine Sauce listed on theclothesmakethegirl blog. For now, I steam most of my veggies (I do like to roast sweet potato and pumpkin) and I use exclusively coconut oil for cooking. I drizzle olive oil and squeeze lemon over my veggies and this is delicious with a bit of cracked pepper. I also use Herbamare seasoning salt, which is also delicious and Whole30 compliant.


I hope this is of help on some level. I can't convey enough how thrilled I am to get where I've gotten with this diet. I hope it can work as well for you. Feel free to shoot any questions my way.  All the best.

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Hi Reluctant30-

I'm on day 15 and also have MC--for about 18 months, and off meds for 5. Going gluten free/quasi paleo 6 months ago helped me somewhat and I am generally seeing a good deal of improvement with Whole30, but it's been up and down. Some days are normal, some not-but more better than worse. I'm trying to isolate triggers-I do think nuts are a trigger as are some raw vegetables. For me though, I think the no booze part has really helped (I'm a wine lover) as I had suspected that was a contributor. It is frustrating having this-espectially combined with the fact so little research has been done. But congrats on day 24-that is great!

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  • 3 months later...

I'm on day 19.  I have undiagnosed bowel issues, so got pegged with "IBS."  Some of my symptoms are greatly improved.  No more painful gas and bloating every afternoon, through evening and into night.  However, I have diarrhea and sometimes cramps every single morning.  And it's worse than before starting Whole 30. :(  Like you, I've enjoyed the weight loss, clothes fitting better, but I was so hoping that my IBS would be cured. :( 


BTW, my mother was recently diagnosed with IBD and Crohn's.  I'm only 44 so haven't had a colonoscopy yet for anyone to suggest that for me, but isn't it sometimes genetic?


Nightshades?  But TOMATOES!  I haven't tried eliminating those. Sad day. 

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