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I WILL do this! My Whole30 Month begins August 27!

Debbie B

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I have decided, once and for all, to adopt a "whole foods" way of eating to learn which, if any, foods are causing me gastric distress and an inability to lose my big, fat belly. After much reading and research, the Whole30 seems to be the best way to start.

I have plotted out two weeks worth of meals and have anticipated the couple of times that I will need to eat away from home. I plan to use six or seven breakfast recipes and use the leftovers on subsequent days; dinner leftovers will be lunch the following day or frozen for later use. I've read the success guide and used tools such as thefoodee.com to find recipes that will be Whole30 compliant but still appealing to my husband, who isn't yet committed to doing this.

Today, I will grocery shop, meal prep, and eat sensibly - and psych myself for tomorrow's start. Tonight's dinner will be http://paleomg.com/c...-chicken-pasta/

I anticipate my hardest dilemmas will be no alcohol and working my way back into regular exercise but, I CAN AND WILL DO THIS!

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Hey Debbie, let's Buddy up for our 30! It looks like you've got the planning down, I love planning too. Last night I made Sarah Fragaso's Salmon Chowder from Everyday Paleo and cooked and portioned 2 pounds of seasoned chicken for making salads and such. This morning I hard boiled a dozen eggs. I need to have things ready to grab. Happy Day 1 to you!

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My Whole30 Goals:

1. Nutrition: I will drink sufficient water - at least 64 ozs. - to satisfy my hydration needs and help normalize my digestive process. I will drink my water between meals and not at meals.

2. Sleep: I willturn off all electronic devices (TV, computer, etc.) by 10 PM and be in bed by 10:30.

3. Exercise: I will exercise at least 30 minutes, 5 days per week. My modes of exercise will be spinning (1x), walking or hiking (2x), and lifting heavy things (2x).

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I have arrived at Whole30 after years of Weight Watchers - bouncing back and forth between my "goal" weight and my present state. I have the classic dangerous belly, a family history of Type II diabetes and heart disease, and a history of gastric troubles. I have "dabbled" at paleo all summer but felt that a dedicated month of Whole30 eating would jump start my progress toward making paleo a lifestyle.

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W30 Day 1:

Breakfast: Bacon, Egg, Avocado, and Tomato Salad http://www.marksdail.../#axzz24i5IadRO

Lunch: leftovers from last night's dinner, sliced tomatoes

Dinner: Lemon Pepper Tilapia http://lconeday.blog...er-tilapia.html and Sweet Potato Cauliflower Soup http://www.manifestv...uliflower-soup/

I am still working on my water and will finish up before I head to bed at a decent hour.

I was a wee bit hungry mid-afternoon but powered through by working on my water. Note to self: pack some celery and carrots and a FEW nuts. Some canned tuna may come in handy, as well!

Tonight, I have a dull headache. I attribute it to seasonal allergies and, perhaps, thirst. Another reason to finish my water!

I need to figure out the best time to exercise. I will begin with walking and will make an appointment at my gym to have one of the trainers help me get started on weights. I have time to get there tomorrow to at least make an appointment!

I hope all of you other newbies have had a good day.

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W30 Day 2:

I am a tired girl after babysitting for our grandson this evening - it was Mommy's birthday and Daddy took her out.

Good W30 day...

Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, the last of the veggie portion of Sunday night's dinner.

Lunch: last night's leftovers - Tilapia and sweet potato/cauliflower soup

Mid-afternoon snack - hard boiled egg

Dinner: Destructed Pesto Meatza - http://paleoinpdx.com/2012/07/27/simple-supper-friday-destructed-pesto-meatza/ - via foodee.com

I had at least 64 oz. water, which seemed to help the gassiness that I experienced last night and a bit this morning. Exercise was a 20 minute lunch time walk.

Tomorrow will be a business lunch - time to practice my detective skills to ensure that my meal is W30 good! Wish me luck!

Good night - gotta turn off the 'puter and head to bed just as soon as the kids come to get the baby!

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Hey Debbie, just checking in;) I'm tired and cranky today, feeling like I want to munch. I'm going to put myself through a night time ritual here in a moment then hit the sack. I think I'm just battling some Whole 30 psychological warfare, I'm hoping it will pass. I hope you've had a great day!

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W30 Day 3

Thanks for asking, Chris; my day was hectic and presented some challenges, but I held strong!

First challenge...my hubby usually sets the alarm and did not! So, I awoke late with no breakfast plan. I did, luckily, have the goods on hand for the breakfast I consumed on Monday - baked the bacon while I hard boiled eggs and chopped tomato and avocado. After mixing all together, I popped it in the fridge to chill while I got ready for work and took it to eat at my desk. I only had time to eat half of the LARGE serving, so the rest went in the fridge (thankfully...more on that in a bit).

Challenge two...I serve on our Employee Engagement Committee and today was Pizza Day! I was in charge of ordering and picking it up, plus, I was expected to spend some time in the staff lounge to greet team members. Chatting with my co-workers certainly wasn't a challenge, but not consuming pizza was a bit disconcerting. I reminded myself that wheat and dairy are likely causes of my tummy troubles, sipped water, and was grateful for a lunch meeting to get me away from temptation.

Possible challenge three wasn't really a challenge - I met a client for lunch at a familiar restaurant and ordered a LARGE salad with "legal" toppings and dry-broiled salmon, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.

The rest of the day was a whirlwind with writing, editing, and another client call. I was happy to call it a day at 5:15, but I know tomorrow will be another busy one!

So, the log...

Breakfast - Bacon, Egg, Avocado, and Tomato Salad

Lunch - Mixed Veggie and Salmon Salad

Mid-Afternoon - the rest of breakfast - the large salad wasn't as filling as I had hoped :-(

Dinner - Spiced Chicken Thighs - http://lconeday.blog...ken-thighs.html - and the balance of Monday night's Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Soup.

Plenty of water consumed!

To date, I'm not experiencing too many "withdrawal symptoms". I'm grateful for that. I'm working my way toward a 10:30 bedtime and, eventually (I hope), an uninterrupted night's sleep. I still need to get to the gym, but I WILL!

Hope everyone has had a great W30 day!

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W30 Day 4 & 5

Busy day of travel on Thursday - away on Friday, too. But, I believe I did my best. For breakfast both days, I had hard boiled eggs, a handful of blueberries, and sliced tomatoes. Salads with protein for lunch and dinner both days - with olive oil and vinegar that I packed in little, single serve containers. Plenty of water, especially as my son and hubby sipped beer at both evening meals. I'm happy and proud that I hung tight and didn't succumb to the siren call of craft beer!

I am very happy to be home all weekend and meals will be prepared in MY KITCHEN! I feel much better about controlling the meals!

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W30 Day 6

Today was one of my favorite days of the year - the beginning of college (and Ohio State) football season. But, I knew I had to stay away from the temptations of bar foods and BEER, so we watched the game at home. "We" included our older son, who surprised us by driving in from Columbus, and 8 week old grandson, who was watching his first Ohio State game:-)

I had a good morning before the game - a walk around the neighborhood for a half hour (exercise!!), grocery store for fill-in items after last week's big trip, and prepping food for the balance of the weekend's meals.

My food log for the day recognizes the relaxed day - I was able to use up most of the balance of left-overs from this week!

M1 - Two eggs , scrambled in a bit of ghee, with chopped tomatoes, chopped bacon, and fresh basil.

M2 - Sweet potato and cauliflower soup, broccoli and apple salad (http://mypaleokitchen.blogspot.com/2008/02/broccoli-and-apple-salad.html)

M3 - Moroccan Zucchini Boats (http://www.whatigather.com/2012/05/moroccan-zucchini-boats.html), broccoli and apple salad

Water, water, water!

Day 6 is in the books! Moving on to Day 7 - yay!

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W30 Day 7

One week complete! Yippee! I'm cautiously optimistic that I can DO THIS!

Planning has been the key, so far - having food on hand and knowing what I'm going to do with it has been a life saver! Many of the recipes I've made are from foodee.com - and they have all been hubby-approved, even though he's not doing a Whole30 (although, he is now thinking about it...)

Planning will be the key in the days ahead, too. I have all of my meals planned through Tuesday the 11th and most of the food is already purchased; what isn't already on hand will come from the farmer's or Amish market. I will have several business luncheons and an overnight trip before the 30 days are past and I will check menus and ask lots of questions to ensure that my meals are compliant.

Our grandson and his parents have just left, so I will post my meals and head off to spend some time with the hubby before heading to bed at a decent hour...

M1 - Sweet Potato, Bacon, and Egg Salad from Top 40 Quick, Easy & Delicious Paleo Breakfast Recipes by Karen Tracy

Add the bacon to a pan and cook for 5 minutes. Add the diced sweet potato and then continue to cook until the bacon is fully cooked and the sweet potato is fork tender. Mix the dill, mayo, and juice in a bowl and then add the eggs, potato, and bacon. Serve hot or cold.

M2 - leftover Moroccan Zucchini Boats, leftover Broccoli & Apple Salad

M3 - Italian Beef and Green Bean Casserole - http://www.janssushibar.com/?p=12913 - I subbed chopped sweet potato for the delicata squash, which I could not find.

Happy Whole30ing, everyone!

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Good morning! Using today to get a wee bit ahead on meal prep - Spinach and Sausage Breakfast Casserole is baking for breakfast, today and beyond...http://theprimepursu...-for-breakfast/. I "toasted" the cauliflower grits.

This is the sausage recipe I used...http://www.healthyli...jimmy-dean.html...I browned the whole batch to use in the casserole.

Lunches are under control for a few days, using leftovers from Saturday and Sunday night. Will make a roast chicken with lots of veggies for supper.

Planning a good day to include a nice, long walk with the grandson in his stroller! Have a GREAT W30 day - and, Happy Labor Day to all in the USA!

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My Whole30 Goals:

1. Nutrition: I will drink sufficient water - at least 64 ozs. - to satisfy my hydration needs and help normalize my digestive process. I will drink my water between meals and not at meals.

2. Sleep: I willturn off all electronic devices (TV, computer, etc.) by 10 PM and be in bed by 10:30.

3. Exercise: I will exercise at least 30 minutes, 5 days per week. My modes of exercise will be spinning (1x), walking or hiking (2x), and lifting heavy things (2x).

Goal 3: At the end of 7 days - 1 week - I feel the need to tweak this goal a bit if I am to achieve it. I dug out the info from Mark's Daily Apple and will follow his plan (3+ hours of long, slow cardio at 55 - 75% MHR weekly, 2 - 3 sessions of "Lifting Heavy Things" and 1 "sprint" workout.)

Goal 2: Keep working to "shut down" 30 - 45 minutes before bed - and get there between 10 - 10:30. This will become easier as hubby returns to school this week and will not be such a night owl!

Goal 1: Doing it!

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W30 Day 8:

What a great W30 day! I slept 7 hours and only got up once during the night…still not used to all this water, I guess. I look for my sleep to improve – and I will head to bed early tonight, as my four day weekend is over and work calls tomorrow.

Upon arising, I made my coffee – I've taken it black for many years, now I am working on reducing the amount I drink in the a.m. I also made the GREAT breakfast casserole that I wrote of earlier today.

Our son and grandson spent much of the day with us, as our D-I-L was at work. Hubby and son spent some time watching baseball, but I did talk our son into taking a nice, 45-minute walk with me and his son through the shady areas of our subdivision. What a nice way to spend time – and to spy some lovely gardens!

After Daddy and baby left, hubby ran some errands and I started to prep dinner. Now that the dishes are done, the kitchen is CLOSED and I feel very satisfied!

This is how the day went…

M1 – Sausage and Spinach Breakfast Casserole http://www.thefoodee.com/recipe/3553/ - using this recipe for compliant sausage - http://www.thefoodee.com/recipe/4710/

M2 – the last of Saturday's Moroccan Zucchini Boats

M3 – a change in plans, since I didn't look ahead to see that the chicken I was going to roast was still in the freezer! We had Dijon Pork Tenderloin http://lconeday.blog...tenderloin.html and Lemon Brussels Sprouts http://civilizedcave...russel-sprouts/

Plenty of water consumed, too!

Have a good evening – or morning – or afternoon, whatever time it is where you are :D

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Awesome first week Debbie! Keep it up and have a lovely week 2!

PS. Thank you for sharing the links to the recipes you're using -- my fridge is full, but I'm already thinking ahead to everything I want to cook for the next stretch W30 stretch :)

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