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My first whole 30: successes and why I need to continue


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Yep. I just finished my first Whole30. I tried it because my husband was doing it and I knew, deep down, that I need to make some changes or my life will be over and I'd look back and just be pissed off that I was irritable, cranky, and fatigued for most of it. And hey- I had to start somewhere. 


The successes:

- knee pain resolved

- several days of feeling fabulous

- I am looking squarely at my food addictions and digging deep to make some big lifestyle changes

- my husband and I have been both cooking and having fun making new things

- I lost 5-6 pounds (but probably would have anyway with nursing a 5 month old).

- I think about food a lot different- truly as fuel to keep my body healthy, not for comfort, or other things.


Why I think I need to continue:

- I want more energy. I think I did a good job of following the "no" list, but I could do better with following the meal plan: Getting enough starches, fats, and water to sustain breastfeeding, and avoiding sugar-spikes with fresh and dried fruits.

- I still really want sugar. Chocolate. Cake. Cookies. So, I think I need more time to get over my cravings. 

- I still have hope that this with other lifestyle changes might actually help me to have energy and be happy.

- My husband is going to continue. I wanted to use butter in the potato-onion-kale fry with eggs this morning, but he didn't. So, I made some more ghee. Easy enough. 


We are starting a new healthy lifestyle change every month. For February, it's daily meditation, and my husband is joining me. I loved the article about The Health Equation. I need to make some deposits with recovery practices and decrease psychStress. 

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Why I think I need to continue:

- I want more energy. I think I did a good job of following the "no" list, but I could do better with following the meal plan: Getting enough starches, fats, and water to sustain breastfeeding, and avoiding sugar-spikes with fresh and dried fruits.

- I still really want sugar. Chocolate. Cake. Cookies. So, I think I need more time to get over my cravings. 

What an excellent success story and congrats on deciding to keep going. Furthermore, extra congrats on choosing to make whole-life changes such as meditation. Really awesome!

Just so you are aware, if you get rid of the sugar-spikes because of dried and fresh fruits, your sugar cravings/chocolate issues should diminish dramatically. When you are craving something sweet, give yourself protein and fat if you absolutely have to have something (I use olives because their briney salty fattiness is as far from something sweet as you can get). The more times you validate those "sweets" cravings with dried and fresh fruit, the longer it's going to take to dull that sugar dragon down. :)

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