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Starting March 1st


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Hello, I'm new to the whole30, and I'm committed to starting on March 1st. I know that seems like a far off date, but we're going on vacation in 9 days, and I need to give the husband some time to wrap his head around things, and get on board. I'm doing this for a variety of reasons. Most importantly for our health. I have terrible eczema on my hands currently, and my husband has Crohn's disease. He spent two weeks in the hospital back in September from a bad flare up that caused him to lose a lot of blood. We both need to change and take better care of ourselves, and also teach our children how to eat good healthy foods.

So anyone else who is starting this journey in March please join me, I'm sure we can all use a good support system to get us through and hold each other accountable!

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Hello, I'm new to the whole30, and I'm committed to starting on March 1st. I know that seems like a far off date, but we're going on vacation in 9 days, and I need to give the husband some time to wrap his head around things, and get on board.

So anyone else who is starting this journey in March please join me, I'm sure we can all use a good support system to get us through and hold each other accountable!


Hi Shellbell, so glad to meet you! I did a W30 on January 1st and have decided for various reasons (and after great success) to do another one in March - hope you don't mind if I jump on board the March 1st W30 train? I've been posting here http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/24941-feb-1st-re-introduction-phase/ in the re-into forum and here http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/23414-anyone-planning-to-jump-in-on-january-1st-join-me/page-54 in the W30 forum/Jan 1st thread.


I was a newbie this year also, but look, I've become an 'Advanced Member' - LOL, not sure what sort of credentials that gives me??? B)


We had such a great group of people posting on these threads, that I've put a call out to the group to see whether anyone wants to do a March 1st W30 with us. I found the forum an invaluable tool in my W30 journey so read away, post away and you'll stay engaged!


This time around I too have hubby on board - Yeah!!!! He is proud of the results I achieved in round 1 and feels it's time to give it a go himself and get HIS health back on track. Whilst he doesn't have any chronic diseases like your husband, he has hereditary high cholesterol and blood pressure and doesn't sleep! I GUARANTEE you we'll see improvements in ailments at the end of this - if you stay true to the plan (and it's easy, trust me)!


I made a list pre W30 of all the ailments & poor eating/drinking habits I wanted to improve upon and one of them was eczema on my hands also - have had this for as long as I can remember, on and off. Can you believe, I don't have any trace of eczema now, I can't even see the little bubbles that used to sit under the skin awaiting a break out!


As you can see, I like to post loooooong updates, so bare with me......looking forward to sharing the journey!


Leanne xx

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PS: how weird, hos did all those March words become highlighted in our posts - I didn't do it???

I think they are only highlit for you on your screen as you found this thread, presumably by searching on the forum? Just clear the search bar and the highlighting goes away. ;)

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Mods, maybe add this thread to the other one? (or vice versa, this one is older but the other has a couple more people)


Kirkor, I checked out the other thread, think I'll join that one. Do I just re-post my comments on that one and stop posting on this one? What about newbie Shellbell who started this thread?


Shellbell, I'm moving over to the other thread because we'll have more support - see you over there?

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