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Carbs...to have or not have


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I am significantly overweight. I did one Whole 30 about a year ago and did really great on it. Lost about 25 lbs.  I have started another round of Whole 30 and failed a few more times in the past year. I went 18 days this round before caving. I have started over and I am determined to do a whole 30 days if not more.  My question is carbs. The starchy ones. How much should I have in a day/week? I know we aren't supposed to count calories or carbs, but did read that if you have  a lot of weight to lose that it is ok to cut back or give up starchy carbs completley. When counting carbs, do you count just the starchy ones, fruit, or all things.  Thanks.

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In general, many people feel better if they have a serving of some kind of starchy vegetable each day. A serving is about a fist-sized piece. If you are active, you may need more, and if you're prone to depression you may need more, and females find they need more around that time of the month (sorry, can't tell if you're female or male from your profile, don't know if that last part applies to you or not). 


Some people do restrict carbs more than that, and some of them have very good luck with that, but rather than jumping into that, I would recommend doing just a regular Whole30, not worrying too much about carbs, making sure you have some starchy veggies each day and not more than one or two servings of fruit a day (less is fine, but not more than that on the fruit -- you want to focus more on getting a variety of vegetables), and when you've really got everything else in place and are feeling good, then start playing with having less carbs for a while to see how you feel. 


You can still lose weight while having some starchy vegetables. I know this, because despite eating at least a serving of them each day, my weight continues to go down. Could I lose weight faster if I cut them out completely, or at least cut how much of them I have? Probably, but for right now, I'm okay with the slower weight loss because I feel good when I do have starchy vegetables. Maybe at some point in the future I'll decide to play with that some, but for right now, this is working for me. You have to decide what works for you. 

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I am a 51 year old female who has not had the time of month for 5 years.  I am defiintiely prone to depression, especially this time of year. I live in Maine and it has been so cold and snowy up here.  I eat a varitey of vegetables, but fruit I can do without, it is not my favorite.  Unfortunately I really like potaotes. Especially white.  Those are probably a deifinte triger to a certain extent.  I try to eat most of my carbs earlier in the day. I know I feel fuller in the morning when I incoprotate them in my food and I stay satisfied for a much longer period. So, I guess in the long run I would be better off eating some starchy carbs becasue that would keep me from snacking through out the day. My reasons for caving in the past were not being prepared, stress and did not have anything in place. I also know now that daily life changes and if you are not prepared with good food options, poor choices are made. I am going to the store now to buy some glass containers and a new cooler, to have whole 30 food on hand at all times, when away from the house. Thanks for your help.

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